Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Finally: An End to Malpractice Litigation?

Originally published in Medscape: March 05, 2015 (reprinted with permission) A Sensible Alternative to Our Broken System? As every physician knows, our tort system is broken. Various solutions have been suggested over the years, only to fade away. But now, a promising new system for patient … Read more
Finally: An End to Malpractice Litigation?

Direct Primary Care and Dr. Josh Umbehr – Making Primary Care Cool Again with Atlas MD

Dr. Josh Umbehr is a leader in the DPC (Direct Primary Care) movement. Briefly defined – it is prepaid primary care. And it is revolutionizing primary care across the country. On this episode of the Medical Liability Minute, Dr. Umbehr and Dr. Segal discuss the … Read more
Medical Justice

Patient Feedback: A Goldmine for Improving Your Practice – in 4 Steps

If you’ve read our content before, you know we consider patient reviews powerful marketing tools. But patient reviews have other applications as well – they offer physicians and their staff an opportunity to examine themselves from the public’s perspective. That perspective is made possible by … Read more
Medical Justice

A Century of Brutal Call Schedules. The Libby Zion Case. And Cocaine. 3 Converging Stories.

Many things in medicine are the way they are because “that’s they way they have always been.” Customs propagate from generation to generation without deep analysis. A long-held assumption in medicine is that young physicians in training need exposure to as many cases as possible … Read more
Medical Justice

Asset Protection Planning for Physicians: A Prescription for Peace of Mind

We spend our careers caring for our patients and providing for our families. But how often do we stop to protect what we’ve earned? Not enough – which is a problem. It’s much easier to protect what you’ve earned than to earn it again. And … Read more
Medical Justice

Father Banned From Delivery Room: Citing Privacy Concerns

A New Jersey judge ruled that pregnant women are entitled to strong privacy protections. If they want the father banned from the delivery room, so be it. The judge wrote: “Any interest a father has before the child’s birth is subordinate to the mother’s interests,”…. … Read more
Father Banned From Delivery Room: Citing Privacy Concerns

Physicians and Gallows Humor. Is It Unprofessional?

Comedy is when you fall through an open manhole.  Tragedy is when I fall through an open manhole.  It’s an old joke and a helpful segue to understanding dark humor in the medical community. Physicians see a lot of desperate and hopeless situations. We have to deliver bad news. Sometimes frequently.  Gallows humor is … Read more
Medical Justice

Defeating Internet Defamation: How Doctors Crush Lies Online

  Platforms like Google, Healthgrades, Vitals, and Yelp present the public with information. Information about their health, information about their potential physicians, and information about their local healthcare systems. These platforms exist to educate the public. Overall, they succeed.   Unfortunately, their popularity has increased the … Read more
Medical Justice

New Patient Comes in For Dental Exam. Surprise. He’s 450 Pounds. Is Americans with Disabilities Act Triggered?

We received a call from a dentist in the Midwest. A week earlier someone called for an appointment. He wanted a run of the mill check-up. First available appointment was Friday at 4PM. Just before closing. In the waiting room, the patient appeared morbidly obese. … Read more
Medical Justice

FDA and Drugs Used in Executing the Death Penalty

The FDA regulates drugs and devices to make sure they are safe and effective for their intended use. Its regulatory authority to achieve that goal is broad.  For years, the FDA took the position that it did not have authority to regulate drugs used for executions – … Read more
Medical Justice