Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Surgeon Laser Etches His Initials into Liver in Transplant Patients

Let’s start at the end. You kind of know how this ends. Dr. Simon Bramhall, a liver transplant surgeon in the UK, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating. He pleaded not guilty to the more serious charge of assault occasioning actual bodily … Read more
Medical Justice

Law Pushing for Cameras in the Operating Room

“Julie’s Law” is a Wisconsin bill named in honor of Julie Ayer. The patient had breast augmentation surgery in 2003. Sadly, the patient flatlined during the procedure. CPR was initiated, but too late. The patient was transported back to Wisconsin where she died three months later.   According to … Read more
Medical Justice

Doctors Flummoxed by DNR Tattoo

A recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine highlighted a case of a patient who presented to the Emergency Department, unconscious, with a Do Not Resuscitate tattoo sprawled across his chest. The 70 year old man was quite ill on arrival. His blood alcohol level was … Read more
Medical Justice

Not Mastering the Art of Being in Two Places at One Time

Dr. Reinaldo de los Heros was practicing as a psychiatrist in Maine.   On October 10, 2017, the Board of Medicine suspended his license for 30 days. (He had multiple interactions with multiple Boards of Medicine throughout the years. For example, in 1999, he pleaded guilty in Massachusetts for Medicaid … Read more
Medical Justice

Necessary Action or Elder Abuse?

This story caught my attention. I have mixed feelings. Dr. Anna Konopka is a general practitioner in New London, New Hampshire. Ever heard of it? Neither had I. 4,000 people live there. Not a big community. Dr. Konopka graduated from medical school in Poland in … Read more
Medical Justice

The Migration from Third Party Insurance to Accepting Risk 

This is not a story of medical practices becoming insurance-free.  This year, a number of friends and colleagues explained they received a note from their long time health insurer. These were all people insured on the individual market. Their insurance plans were “grandfathered” so they … Read more
Medical Justice

Who Bears the Risk for Medical Decisions About Pacemakers at Risk of Being Hacked?

Thirty years ago, no one would have thought of this scenario. Hacking into a pacemaker to cause harm. Abbott Laboratories release a software path (firmware update) in late August to reduce the risk that someone with malicious intent could gain unauthorized access to a patient’s … Read more
Medical Justice

Divorce Is Politics by Other Means 

Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian general and military theorist who famously said: “War is a mere continuation of politics by other means,” (“Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln”). I leave the full parsing of its meaning to other military strategists. But, the quote serves as a useful segue to discuss how … Read more
Medical Justice

Cease and Desist

If you’re a surgeon, I have little doubt you have done a stellar job in selecting your patients. You’ve never made a mistake. Never looked back and wondered “What was I thinking?” Never overruled your staff when they detected “red flags.” Never talked yourself into … Read more
Medical Justice

Delivering Bad News – or Delayed Good News – to Patients

When a person is sick, they are stressed and anxious. No surprise. And it’s human nature to fill in the blanks with bad news. That’s why ambiguous information can be magnified into a worst case scenario. A close relative was being evaluated to a medical … Read more
Medical Justice