Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

NC Medical Board Disciplines Doctor for a Lease Dispute.

I can understand why a Medical Board investigates a practice for allegations related to patient safety. I get it when the Board responds to concerns a doctor may be taking advantage of patients sexually. The main purpose of the Medical Board is to protect the … Read more
Medical Justice

HIPAA Conundrum. War of the Roses After Death.

Remember the movie War of the Roses.  Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas play married characters. They hated each other. But, neither wanted to part with their opulent house. So, they stay put. No one moved. They continue to spew hate and back it up with … Read more
Medical Justice

Deporting Hospital Patients

Illegal immigration is now the buzz of the political ball. Candidates are talking about building a wall, rounding up and deporting undocumented immigrants, and its economic ramifications. What happens when undocumented workers are injured and need long term medical care? What must hospitals do? What … Read more
Medical Justice

Two Counterintuitive HIPAA Scenarios

Scenario #1: Some doctors believe, incorrectly, that if a patient has already disclosed protected health information on the Internet, his doctor can “correct” the record online. In other words, if a patient slams a doctor online, and attaches his name or picture to the review, … Read more
Medical Justice

If You’re Not a Psychiatrist, What Do You Do if Your Patient Threatens Suicide?

A few of our members are psychiatrists. Most are not. On rare occasion a surgeon will get a call or email from a patient suggesting they are considering suicide. Or they have a detailed plan to take their life. Or they’ve posted this nugget of … Read more
Medical Justice

David versus Goliath. One Doctor’s Quest for Justice.

Physicians regularly renew their medical licenses. A typical question on the application reads: Since you last renewed have you become aware of any medical condition that impairs or limits, or could possibly impair or limit, your ability to practice medicine safely? (If you are an … Read more
Medical Justice

Avoiding Liability When Sending Specimens

Doesn’t happen often. But, when it does, expect a potential s*%#storm. Patient is anxious about the mole on his back. A dermatologist removes the mole and sends the specimen to the lab. Rule in or rule out melanoma. The lab says it never received the … Read more
Medical Justice

Why Not Bring The Entire Staff Into the Exam Room for My Prostate Exam?

I live in North Carolina. Each year I have a general physical exam. This includes the ritual known as the prostate exam. I don’t particularly look forward to it. But, it takes a few seconds and I’m reassured knowing that there are no lumps or … Read more
Medical Justice

Which Workplace Bathroom to Use?

The question is not so simple anymore. According to the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, there are approximately 700,000 transgender individuals in the United States. In a recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruling (Lusardi v. McHugh, EEOC, No. 0120133395, 4/1/15), the US government ruled … Read more
Medical Justice

Those Pesky Signatures

How many of us has received the dreaded notice that medical records are not complete; or worse, that records are complete but need to be signed. The absence of a “proper” signature gums up the works for getting paid. This following is what CMS considers … Read more
Medical Justice