Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

The Runaway Jury in the Age of Mark Zuckerberg

Michael J. Sacopulos, Esq. General Counsel, Medical Justice In most law schools around our country, second year students take “Evidence.” This is a technical class which teaches one rule and its exemptions after the next. What information is privileged and not, the hearsay rule and … Read more
Medical Justice

New Year’s Resolutions

Unless you are relentless, Later never comes. It joins the list of things that never got done at the end of the day, the list of things you’ll do Tomorrow. So don’t allow that Later. Do it NOW — right now, while you’re thinking of it (ER doctors on duty and surgeons in the OR excepted). Your existing routines will come later, like it or not. Until you make your resolutions part of your new routine, you’ll have to be tough about paying heed to the reminders you’ve given yourself. But don’t worry, once they become part of your routine, they’ll be done as automatically as the rest of the status quo. Voila, resolution accomplished!
Medical Justice

Medical Justice Forges Partnership with to Protect Physicians

Companies team to ensure healthcare workers on temporary assignments are safeguarded from meritless litigation.
Medical Justice

Be Careful What You Say During Litigation

Michael J. Sacopulos, Esq. General Counsel, Medical Justice A Connecticut case filed October 4, 2010, highlights the importance of not discussing a case in litigation with your colleagues. In June 2004, Pediatrician A performed a circumcision. Allegedly the circumcision was botched and took the form … Read more
Medical Justice

Time: Your Most Valuable Resource

The first step is to be cognizant of the problem. Make a point of reminding yourself that time is your most valuable resource. Design your care around that truth. That doesn’t mean that your interactions with a patient need to be rushed. It simply means that you must choose to spend, rather than wasting, that time.
Medical Justice

Malpractice Immunity for Medicaid Patients in Florida?

On the table for discussion is a legislative proposal in Florida to cap damages of negligently injured Medicaid-insured patients. That cap would be $100k. Some headlines have labeled this as “immunity” which will protect bad doctors. But, it’s not. Under the proposal, doctors treating Medicaid … Read more
Medical Justice

Cliffhanger Congress: Senate Passes Medicare Payment Bill

While the AMA congratulates the bipartisan Senate effort, we here at Medical Justice find it should not be necessary to applaud them for doing their job… Of course, physicians are relieved that it has not come to the point of turning away patients, but it’s fair to demand answers as to why this is down to the wire yet again. The debt is not in question, so full payment of the reduced rates that Medicare enjoys should not be in question either.
Medical Justice

As a Doctor I’m Thankful for … Doctors

Doctors are also patients. If you’ve not been a patient, you will. My family and I have been patients. I am thankful for the doctors who have taken care of my family. This year, while finishing our dinner, my 13 year old son had a … Read more
Medical Justice

Promotional Guidance – FTC Update on Advertising Applies to Physicians with Online Presence

Florida Medical Magazine Winter Volume 2010, Number 1; Pages 29 to 31 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Michael Sacopulos, JD
Medical Justice

Senate Fails to Pass First HCR Fix

Bit by bit, piece by piece, the legislators seem to be determined to overhaul the overhaul. What will remain is more likely to resemble Frankenstein’s Monster, a clumsy, unwieldy, and disproportionate use of authority which more closely resembles a chainsaw than a scalpel, if that approach is followed. Repealing the entirety before it goes into affect leaves no solution to the ills, and means that all the efforts and expenses to date will have been for naught.
Medical Justice