Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Think Online Rep Doesn’t Matter? Think Again!

If you’re a medical professional, there are a number of ways that Medical Justice membership can preserve your well-earned reputation, protect you against such ugly unwarranted affairs.
Medical Justice

Fighting Back Against the Changes

The most immediate and obvious consequence of Congress not re-funding the payments, though, is likely to take form in lines. Not lines on your face, the lines to get in at the few doctors who will still accept Medicare… News Flash, Congress: THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY CANNOT PROVIDE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.
Medical Justice

HealthCare Reform Coming Home To Roost

The employers, of course, see it differently. One such mouthpiece, Peter Skoda of the Haro Bicycle Corporation, says that the new plans will “eliminate the Gucci doctors.” That’s the story being told. But it doesn’t matter if you wear Guccis or flip-flops. If your patient wants be seen by you and you’re not on the list, your patient will have to pay the entire bill.
Medical Justice

A World Without Frivolous Lawsuits

That’s just a beginning. Easier access to physicians, lower costs and happier patients, staff and doctors — all from dispensing of jackpot lawyers and their greedy clients. What an awesome vision! But how do we make it real?
Medical Justice

John Stossel, Tort Lawyers and Defensive Medicine

John Stossel recently wrote an excellent editorial entitled “Parasitic Tort Lawyers.” OK, anything with that title will get our attention. While we concede that the headline is a little over the top (although not much) the article is well thought out – and echoes what … Read more
Medical Justice

Defensive Medicine: Real and Expensive! Here’s the Solution!

Doctors should be immune from litigation if they document following clinical guidelines articulated by their professional societies. Further, if a doctor deviates from such guidelines, he would have qualified immunity if he documents why, in his judgment, it made more sense in a specific case to ignore the guidelines.
Medical Justice

Will Smarter Lawyers End Frivolous Lawsuits?

An excellent post from the MD Whistleblower blog. How do you know if a lawyer is any good? Of course, they’ve all passed the bar, but now their profession is lowering it. While most of us strive for excellence, and raise our children to value … Read more
Medical Justice

How To Save On Malpractice Insurance

Just as being proactive about one’s health can reduce costs and suffering by eliminating the problems before they occur, physicians can lower their expenses with a proactive approach. One of the most sensible and affordable ways to do that is a membership in Medical Justice. Like a few other things in the business world, a MJ membership doesn’t actually cost money. It saves money.
Medical Justice

Senate Passes Yet Another Short-Term Extension for Medicare, BUT…

At what point will the government decide that the nation’s healthcare providers deserve to be paid, and paid fairly? Millions of seniors and their doctors are standing on a windy ledge every month, afraid that this will be the month that Congress just doesn’t pay them at all… at this time the physicians’ pay IS cut by 21% for all claims from June 1, 2010 until something else becomes law. It’s likely a temporary situation, but the fact remains that these health care providers are simply out the money. It’s too late for them to go back and ask the patient to pay the difference.
Medical Justice

ONH Issues Temporary Certification Program for EHR, Wait Far From Over

ONH is just now coming up with a Temporary standard for EHR software manufacturers to comply with. If a health care provider acquires certified EHR software, that provider should then be eligible to receive EHR incentives. If the software does not comply, then the incentives will not be paid… a good portion of those 200+ pages is superfluous… the waiting is far from over.
Medical Justice