Medical Justice Blog

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Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Medicare Cuts Postponed Again — this time until June 2010

One can easily wonder why they don’t just approve full payments for a year or two at a time. They can always eliminate it by future legislation once they determine what formula they DO want to use.
Medical Justice

AHA Calls for Easing of New Rules on Electronic Health Record Requirements

…the ad states that the CMS’ proposed rule “proposes strict requirements that constrain hospitals as they work to implement new EHR systems, imposing a one-size-fits-all policy that ignores upfront cost, time and logistical challenges.”
Medical Justice

Georgia First State to Rebel Against High Risk Pool in Healthcare Reform

It seems entirely convenient for the states that are choosing to boycott the high-risk pool program. By doing so, they appease their Republican constituents. Yet they don’t attract meaningful wrath from Democrats and others who need the coverage, because those constituents are still going to get the coverage through Federal administration.
Medical Justice

Access Issues; Are Nurse Practitioners The Key To Functional Health Care Reform?

A NP means dozens more patients get the treatment they need every day. Access is greatly improved, at a fraction of the cost. Seems like a winning solution all the way around.
Medical Justice

Healthcare Bill Lies

The Natoma Canfields of America will find no relief in this bill. It’s very possible that they may not live to see the benefits kick in at all. Though taxes would be raised effective the current tax year, those 30 million uninsured won’t be seeing any relief for about 9 years. Some other aspects may commence sooner, but we’re still talking about something that is going to take 10 years to happen, if we start now.
Healthcare Bill Lies

Patient’s Bill of Responsibilities: #1 Take Good Care of Yourself

… taking proper care of one’s body in order to avoid needing to see a physician in the first place. This is something that the individual (and family) must practice, but the government can promote. Our current system rewards getting ill while providing little direct incentive to practice wellness.
Medical Justice

A Place At The Table; Heathcare Reform Decisions Being Made Without Doctors: Dr. D. Berwick New Head of CMS

At the risk of sounding like Oliver Twist, though, we really should have more of a say in such matters. Both the medical community and the nation would be better served if appointments to such practical positions were selected by those who are actually in the know.
Medical Justice

Procedural Issues To Send Reconciliation Back To House For Another Vote

A fatigued Harry Reid (D-NV) called for the session to come to a close at 2:45 am, shortly after the discovery of those technicalities. They will return to continue work on the bill at 9:45 today, just 7 hours later. It was not clear who noticed the errors.
Procedural Issues To Send Reconciliation Back To House For Another Vote

What’s Your Score – Online physician rankings can boost, harm a practice

Dermatology Times March 2010, Volume 31, Number 3; Pages 1, 24, 27, 28 Contributor: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Click here to read the full article
Medical Justice

It’s Official, Obama Signed the Bill, But We STILL Don’t Know What It Means

Even what is being provided is not clear. What criteria is it that determines which 16 million get Medicare? When do they get it? Must they apply, or is it automatic? When do most (but not all) Americans have to purchase health insurance by? What if they can’t afford it? What are the exemptions; who doesn’t have to get health insurance? How much is the high-risk pool going to cost for those with pre-existing conditions? When does that kick in, exactly, and how do people go about getting it?
Medical Justice