Medical Justice Blog

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Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

House Giveth, Senator Bunning Taketh Away; 21% SGR Cut Ahead!

Meanwhile, doctors would end up doing without 100% of their payments for Medicare patients unless and until the Senate acts.
Medical Justice

President’s Plan: Backdoor Health Care Bill Thru Budget Reconciliation

What makes the maneuver itself objectionable is the method that would be used. A backdoor tactic, called a budget reconciliation bill, would allow the changes to be enacted without opening the subject to a filibuster on the floor… Passing action via budget reconciliation commits this nation’s government to addressing the matter… while allowing for amendment in times to come…. Nine hundred billion dollars divided by thirty million people is $30,000 per person. That’s a lot of health care insurance premiums!
Medical Justice

From The Trenches (Healthcare Reform for the Real World) #3: Pre-Existing Conditions

Prohibiting coverage based on pre-existing conditions will just mean the public pays for a more severe version when the patient is forced to turn to public assistance to remedy the condition.
Medical Justice

Drug Makers Playing the Numbers Game

With healthcare reform legislation pending, and the government indicating that they’ll be shaving money off the prices they’ll pay for all things Healthcare, it shouldn’t really have been much of a surprise to see drug manufacturers raising the prices. After all, if they raise them … Read more
Medical Justice

Taking Health Care Reform In Hand

We must all do what we can to take heath care reform in hand. Where costs can be cut without compromising patient safety, we must do so. If a bad outcome is the cause of our loss and grieving, we must stop trying to place blame on those who tried to prevent that loss. If someone is aware of an insurance scam and certain that it is a scam, then turn that scammer in!
Medical Justice

WellPoint Blames 39% Rate Hike On Healthy People

Nearly five billion dollars in profits during the year that they say they lost as much as 1/3 of their customers, and WellPoint still wants a rate increase?
Medical Justice

John Murtha (D,PA) Tort Reform Supporter Dead at 77

A combat veteran of the Vietnam “Conflict”, this old warrior passed on of complications from a gallbladder surgery on Feb. 8, 2010, at the age of 77. His voice was sincere, passionate and compassionate. A true Conservative, he believed the government should not restrict people’s activities, so long as those actions don’t restrict the rights of others.
Medical Justice

Podcast on Tort Reform

The blog MDWhistleblower posted two very nice podcasts regarding tort reform. The second is a commentary regarding the IL Supreme Court’s recent decision to rescind med-mal caps.
Medical Justice

The Ramifications & Implications of the IL Supreme Court Decision

…their decision seems to support prejudice. Jackpot trial lawyers aren’t filing frivolous suits against indigent people. They’re going after doctors, based on the prejudicial (and erroneous) notion that they can afford to be taken to the cleaners.
Medical Justice

Humana and the Exclusions — Why Healthcare Reform is of Vital Importance

If you’re healthy as a horse and fit as a fiddle, they’ll take your money. If there are any risks of them actually having to give some of it back, then you’re persona non grata… health insurance carriers are only interested in taking money, not in providing a service for a fair profit… Exclusive policies like this pose a very real risk to public health. People with ailments may avoid being treated or diagnosed until the very last minute, to avoid being Blackballed by potential insurance carriers. It’s well established that early diagnosis and treatment make a huge difference in the quality of life, even in terminal diseases. Infectious diseases will spread while people avoid getting diagnostic tests as well.
Medical Justice