With 60 Votes, Senate Poised to Talk About Healthcare Reform
When someone harasses a physician (or his insurance) into paying an unwarranted medical malpractice claim, who do you think must pay? The doctor? His insurance? Would that it were so! We ALL pay for that fraud. Every one of us absorbs the costs, down to the penny.
Lincoln, Healthcare and the Antebellum Lawsuit Problem
SurgiStrategies Magazine By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS November 23, 2009 Click here to read the full article
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To Reform
After the last election, when this nation began discussing “The Issues”, the Vice-President-elect asked us to gather in groups all across the country to discuss the things we were most concerned with, and what solutions we might have for those problems. Needless to say, healthcare … Read more
Breast Cancer Screening
By now, most of you have probably heard about the suggested new standards for breast cancer screening; including raising the age from forty to fifty, performing tests less frequently, and perhaps even having doctors stop teaching women to self-examine for lumps. There are reasons cited … Read more
AMA and AARP? Oh Really?
President Obama stated that the American Medical Association and the American Association of Retired Persons both support the proposed healthcare reform bill. That’s not earth-shattering, until you think it through and realize how absolutely and ridiculously unlikely that statement really is. The AMA claims to … Read more
Preaching to the Choir About Healthcare Reform
It’s no exaggeration to say that the health of the entire nation is at risk.
Apology Laws: A Variety of Approaches to Discussing Adverse
American Health Lawyers Association November 2009, Vol 13, Issue 11 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS; Michael J. Sacopulos, JD © 2009 American Health Lawyers Association Suite 600, 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036-5405 Phone: 202-833-1100 Fax: 202-833-1105 Download ahla_and_im_sorry_laws_AC_Nov09
Harry Reid, Hero or Public Enemy #1?
You may want to take a seat and a few deep breaths before reading this: Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, was quoted by the Las Vegas Review-Journal as saying that doctors should “stop whining about this and just take care of their patients.” What is … Read more
“What You Can Do For Your Country!”
Politicians do what politicians do, and seem determined not to enact necessary tort reform. Medical Justice is not sitting back and waiting to see what the government will do for us.
Anything For a Buck! “The following illustrates why members of the public may hold cynical views of the legal profession.”
“The following illustrates why members of the public may hold cynical views of the legal profession.”
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