Dr. Jeff Segal on KevinMD
Medical Justice Founder and CEO Jeff Segal, MD, JD, FACS recently published an article about Tort Reform on the popular blog KevinMD.
Tort Reform Snowball Getting Bigger
As the healthcare debate continues, more pundits, experts and legislatures are coming to the conclusion that real, substantial tort reform must be included in any final reform package. Here are just a few of the comments from around the US just yesterday;
Trickling Down Tort Reforms
When we look at all the ways in which Tort Reform would trickle down, it amounts to a raging river of savings for patients and their insurance providers.
Prediction 2009: Tort Reform Within Reach
VEIN Magazine Fall 2009; Page 60 – 61 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Read the entire issue here: http://www.veindirectory.org/issues/v2i4.pdf Or view Dr. Segal’s article (only) using the link below: Download vein_mag_v2i4_58-59_tort_reform.pdf Download vein_mag_v2i4_58-59_tort_reform
Online Libel — Freedom of Speech Does Not Protect Anonymity
The Constitution is, more than anything else, a set of limits placed upon our government. It is NOT carte-blanche for one citizen to damage another’s reputation.
The Demonizing of Doctors — An Op-Ed
Your plumber charges $150-$250 to come out in a work van and run a snake through your drain. You pay him, and are glad the sewer isn’t backing up anymore. But if the doctor charges $50-80 for a visit … he’s ripping you off?
Kennedy’s Passing Ensures Health Care Reform
Some may suggest that the passing of this patriarch of the Senate leaves the future of health care reform up in the air, but it seems far more likely that just the opposite is true.
Where’s The Waste In Medicine? Healthcare’s All The Rest
The last aspect of waste may be the most important of them all. Risky behaviors like smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse costs nearly half a TRILLION dollars — a bit more than all the medical errors combined!
Where’s The Waste: Ignoring Doctor’s Orders and Abusing ERs
While going to the doctor’s office for a sore throat (strep, for example) would run about $70, the ER visit runs up $600-800 or more, and saps already thin resources.
Wasted Money is Largely Due To Medical Malpractice Suits
“… these are all about crossing the “T”s and dotting the “I”s (AKA CYA) and have nothing directly to do with providing quality health care. Yet we’re spending nearly half a TRILLION dollars a year on it, unnecessarily.” “… maybe we should just accept that medicine, like the rest of life, is not perfect.”
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