A Message to Colleagues: What I’ve Learned
Esquire Magazine features a regular column called “What I’ve Learned.” There, a celebrity or a leader in his field, and often in the twilight of his life, reels off a collection of pearls, some well polished, some of little value. I am not famous and … Read more
Medical Justice CEO and Founder Dr. Jeff Segal’s featured interview on NPR’s “On the Media” and “Talk of the Nation”
Click here to listen or to read the transcript
Censorship, or Sensible Citizenship?
There is an excellent article posted today on the Presdio Insurance website. Take a look at the article here; http://www.presidioinsurance.com/news/?p=362 This is an unsolicited and unbiased article. It does a great job of cutting through the hysteria of “censorhsip” and provides real clarity around the … Read more
The Octuplets: Standard of Care and a Lawsuit?
Patients often make requests for procedures that run counter to the doctor’s better judgment. Acceding to a patient’s wish, even after informing of dire consequences, can create a cascade of legal headaches for the accommodating doctor. An extreme example is illustrated by a rare condition … Read more
Concerns of Defense Counsel Answered
We are often asked by potential members, how would Medical Justice work with my defense counsel. We thought it would be a great idea to let an attorney answer that question. The bottom line is that Medical Justice is time tested, proven protection for physicians.
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