Male physician working in operating room

One Doctor Calls Another Doctor an Idiot. Defamation?

The peer review process can get heated. As can hospital banter. An Arizona appellate court case highlighted the protections inherent in peer review, as well as the steep climb to prevailing in a defamation lawsuit. The allegation. Dr. G, the chair of cardiology, made damaging false statements when he told another cardiologist that Dr. S … Read more

Man reading through 5-star reviews on his phone and computer

Tips for Getting More Positive Reviews as a Physician

Your star rating and reviews on platforms like Google, Healthgrades, and WebMD have a real impact on your medical practice, as reviews are a key factor patients consider before deciding to schedule an appointment with you. While every physician will inevitably encounter negative reviews, proactively strengthening your online reputation by requesting patient feedback is a … Read more

Female physician on her phone and laptop reading and replying to patient reviews

Removals Guaranteed? Really?

Not long ago, our system picked up a negative Google review for a member of ours. The rating was one star and the comment was information-poor, meaning that it gave no specific information about the practice, the experience, or any kind of results. Further, the office could not identify the reviewer as a patient in … Read more

Smiling doctor with tablet

Asset Protection – What NOT to Do.

There are all types of ways to protect your assets from creditors. Some protections are creatures of state law. For example, Texas and Florida provide significant protections to your homestead. Also, many insurance policies (such as life insurance) are beyond the reach of creditors.   Physicians in some specialties and in some states are reasonably worried … Read more

Medical provider talking to a patient

The Hot and Cold Patient

Being a patient is sometimes stressful. Sometimes, that stress manifests as “bad behavior.” Raising one’s voice at office staff. Sending a nasty email. A sarcastic remark. If it’s an isolated event – a one-off – most practices just shrug it off. Anyone can have a bad day. If one bad day is now many bad … Read more

Close up of woman during microneedling skin treatment

Contracting HIV from Vampire Facial Microneedling

Vampire Facial is the colloquial name for cosmetic platelet-rich plasma microneedling facials. Seems like a benign procedure. The Centers for Disease Control recently reported on multiple people who developed HIV infection tied to the procedure in New Mexico. The details. Investigation of a medical spa’s services began in 2018. During summer 2018, the New Mexico … Read more

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