Defensive Medicine: Real and Expensive! Here’s the Solution!

The Archives of Internal Medicine recently published an article, “Physician’s Views on Defensive Medicine: A National Survey.” The results were clear and conclusive. Doctors decidedly do order tests which are not medically necessary in order to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits… and the public pays for them, a part of the cost of receiving healthcare. In order to narrow results down to something conclusive and useful, the doctors surveyed were asked to respond to two statements, shown below. The first proves that 91% of all physicians surveyed order those extra tests and procedures to protect themselves. The second demonstrates that the considered opinion of the doctors surveyed is that they will not stop practicing defensive medicine until they are protected against unwarranted litigation by other means (such as Tort Reform.) There may be no shockers for anyone in the medical community there, and it’s certainly not a new conclusion, but this is current and conclusive information to support the desperate need for Tort Reform as soon as possible.

Here are the statements which physicians were asked to respond to:

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Will Smarter Lawyers End Frivolous Lawsuits?

An excellent post from the MD Whistleblower blog. How do you know if a lawyer is any good? Of course, they’ve all passed the bar, but now their profession is lowering it. While most of us strive for excellence, and raise our children to value this virtue, prominent legal educators are establishing a new quality … Read more

How To Save On Malpractice Insurance

In these tight economic times, no one is immune from the pressures to reduce costs. Major corporations are looking for ways to save money anywhere they can. Airlines are cutting even such seemingly trivial expenses as peanuts on domestic flights and charging ‘extra’ premiums on just about everything. In some ways, the medical profession stands unique and alone. It’s simply not acceptable to reduce the quality of care to save a buck or two. A doctor cannot afford to cut corners when lives are on the line. But there are ways to cut costs.

Just as being proactive about one’s health can reduce costs and suffering by eliminating the problems before they occur or escalate, physicians can lower their expenses with a proactive approach. One of the most sensible and affordable ways to do that is a membership in Medical Justice. Like a few other things in the business world, a Medical Justice membership doesn’t actually cost money. It saves money. Here’s how:

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Senate Passes Yet Another Short-Term Extension for Medicare, BUT…

On June 18, 2010, the U.S. Senate passed yet another short-term funding of physician’s fees for Medicare. The earlier proposed bill, which would have lasted 6 months and included a 2.2% increase for doctors, was denied by a GOP filibuster. The Republicans complained that the bill’s benefits were not paid for, and refused to allow the national debt to be increased. This leaves health care providers yet again in a lurch.

Had the temporary measure not been passed, doctors would have suffered a 21% reduction in fees. This “Doc Fix” (as its come to be called,) is a stay of execution for both doctors and patients, but only a temporary one. As it is, the reduction in pay was already technically in place, but claims had been paid at the “full” rate in anticipation of a (another) reprieve from Senate.

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ONH Issues Temporary Certification Program for EHR, Wait Far From Over

Though it won’t be officially published until the 24th, Medical Justice has gotten its first look at the new “temporary” requirements for certification of EHRs. This tome, over 200 pages long, is a mandatory step for software developers of Electronic Health Records software. The software must facilitate record keeping and information exchange in accordance with those standards.

Health care providers who want to be eligible for Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentives payments must be considered “Meaningful Users”; To be considered a “meaningful user,” one has to comply with all of that when applying for Certification. Theoretically, if a doctor’s office purchases Certified software, that should satisfy the requirements.

According to the Health Information Technology site, “Use of certified EHR technology is a core requirement for health care providers to become “meaningful users” and eligible for payment under Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs,” and “The program provides a way for organizations to become authorized by the National Coordinator to test and certify electronic health record (EHR) technology.

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Senate’s 6-Month Payment Solution includes 2.2% Increase

Physicians who accept Medicare for their services have been through a rough ride, a recurring nightmare of last-minute (and last-second) renewals of their pay budget in Congress. The roller coaster still isn’t over, but at least it seems to be a little bit better. How much? 2.2%, if the Senate’s bill passes. Don’t get too excited yet, though. That authorization is only good through November, and that’s only if it passes. The Congress still hasn’t approved anything enduring, and the Senate votes thus far aren’t promising.

Physicians aren’t the only ones caught on the roller coaster. Patients have also been left in the lurch. Patients turn to their doctors for information and consolation. They want to know that the ability to receive medical treatment from their trusted healer won’t lapse. Unfortunately, doctors are in the dark too. Much as they would like to be able to give comforting news to their patients, honesty requires that they say “I don’t know any more than you do.” Most won’t make their patients worry about their problems, but the fact is that some practices are hanging on by a thin thread, and the Medicare delays make matters worse.

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First Professionals Insurance Company, Inc. Endorses Medical Justice Services

First Professionals Insurance Company, Inc. Endorses Medical Justice Services

– First Professionals Offers Medical Justice Membership as Benefit to Florida Insureds –


June 15, 2010 (GREENSBORO, NC) — First Professionals Insurance Company, Inc. (First Professionals) today announced an endorsed and strategic relationship with Medical Justice Services, Inc; the leading organization offering patented services to protect physicians’ most valuable assets – their practice and reputation – against frivolous lawsuits, Internet defamation and other medico-legal threats. Under the agreement, First Professionals will offer Medical Justice Membership to its Florida-based insureds under a preferred pricing agreement. Medical Justice’s Programs complement the traditional medical malpractice insurance offered by professional liability carriers. The agreement will provide First Professionals’ more than 7,000 policyholders in Florida, with proven, turnkey services that deliver real-world results such as decreasing malpractice suit rates, holding proponents of meritless lawsuits accountable and preventing Internet defamation.

Medical Justice focuses exclusively on the healthcare industry and has addressed the needs of doctors for over eight years. Medical Justice reports its plan members experience a statistically significant reduction in medical malpractice suits.

“Medical Justice provides a variety of services that shield physicians from a number of hazards they encounter in practicing medicine. Their strategies and programs deter frivolous lawsuits,” stated Robert White, Jr., President of First Professionals. “This partnership supports and enhances First Professionals’ longstanding pledge to provide excellent benefits for all of our policyholders. Offering Medical Justice to our Florida-based insureds will be instrumental in mitigating many aggravating situations that affect healthcare providers today.”

Dr. Jeffrey Segal, CEO of Medical Justice, notes, “First Professionals is one of the most progressive malpractice insurance companies in the U.S. We are thrilled to be endorsed by such a high-profile partner and to be part of their service offering. We aggressively address the interests of our members within the changing landscape of medical practice. By offering Medical Justice Membership to their Florida insureds, First Professionals is proactively protecting their clients even more from frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits, Internet defamation and other medico-legal threats.”

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Medical Justice in NY Times

Medical Justice founder and CEO Jeff Segal, MD, JD, FACS was quoted in today’s NY Times article “Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court” “Recognizing that lawsuits can bring more unwanted attention, one organization has taken a different tack. The group Medical Justice, which helps protect doctors from meritless malpractice suits, advises its members … Read more

Health care law will exacerbate physician shortage

MAG Journal June 2010 – p 16 By: Newt Gingrich and Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Forum: Health law will worsen doctor shortage Posted: Saturday, April 24, 2010 By Newt Gingrich and Jeff Segal Now that President Obama has signed his health care legislation into law, the focus is supposed to be on the millions … Read more

Tort Reform and Frivolous Lawsuits: Show Me the Money

The following excerpt is from a great post by MD Whistleblower Years ago, as a younger and more idealistic gastroenterologist, I was kept dangling on a lawsuit for a few years. I endured the light hearted amusement of the discovery process, including expert witnesses outside of my specialty who claimed in their written reports that … Read more

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