Medical Justice in NY Times

Medical Justice founder and CEO Jeff Segal, MD, JD, FACS was quoted in today’s NY Times article “Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court” “Recognizing that lawsuits can bring more unwanted attention, one organization has taken a different tack. The group Medical Justice, which helps protect doctors from meritless malpractice suits, advises its members … Read more

Health care law will exacerbate physician shortage

MAG Journal June 2010 – p 16 By: Newt Gingrich and Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Forum: Health law will worsen doctor shortage Posted: Saturday, April 24, 2010 By Newt Gingrich and Jeff Segal Now that President Obama has signed his health care legislation into law, the focus is supposed to be on the millions … Read more

Tort Reform and Frivolous Lawsuits: Show Me the Money

The following excerpt is from a great post by MD Whistleblower Years ago, as a younger and more idealistic gastroenterologist, I was kept dangling on a lawsuit for a few years. I endured the light hearted amusement of the discovery process, including expert witnesses outside of my specialty who claimed in their written reports that … Read more

Rasmussen: 63% of Voters Favor Repeal of Health Care Reform — But Is That So?

According to Rasmussen Reports, the percentage of people who favor repeal of the national health care plan is at its highest point ever, 63% in favor of repeal. The report states that the highest previous polling results were at 54-58 percent. Further, the report indicates that 46% “Strongly Favor” a repeal, while only 25% “Strongly Oppose” repealing it. But is that the full story?

The survey was performed by phoning 1000 “Likely Voters” last Saturday and Sunday. The calls were automated, and placed between 11 am – 6 pm on Saturday, and between 1 pm and 9 pm on Sunday. “For political surveys, census bureau data provides a starting point and a series of screening questions are used to determine likely voters. The questions involve voting history, interest in the current campaign, and likely voting intentions.” One could question if this survey is a truly representative sample of the population at large.

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In the Trenches: A Practical Look at the New Health Care Reform Law

The Health Care Reform bill passed by Congress and signed by President Obama was represented as allowing people to keep their present health care providers if they wanted to. The bill itself will not force anyone to change health care providers, but that doesn’t mean you’ll still be able to go to the same doctor the same way. If that sounds like double-speak, you’re paying attention. While the law doesn’t force anyone to choose a different doctor, it is forcing some doctors into rather dramatic solutions, not the least of which is selling their practices to hospitals and becoming employees of that hospital. What’s behind this new business model for health care providers? Let’s take a look:

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On Your Epitaph: I Wish I Had Worked Another Day?

You woke up with a pulse today. No matter what else happens, you are off to a good start. The practice of medicine can be frustrating. If all you had to do was make a diagnosis, remove a tumor, or comfort a patient’s family, though still challenging, the job would be easier. Some events give … Read more

Doctor taking notes on a tablet

Here’s Some Money. Use This EMR. Have a Nice day

Some professional liability carriers are offering discounts to physicians who have implemented electronic medical records (“EMR”). Further, under the stimulus package which was signed into law, doctors who meaningfully use EMR by 2011 will be eligible for federal subsidies up to $44,000 per practitioner. That is a chunk of change.

A number of EMR strategies are competing for acceptance.

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$220M for Pilot Communities’ EHR – Jackpot for Them, But No Practical Solutions In Sight

The Department of Health and Human Services is releasing $220 million dollars (made available by the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act) to fund 15 pilot communities with the necessary IT technology to incorporate Electronic Health Records (EHR). This amounts to a bit over 1/10th of the entire $2 Billion allotted to achieve meaningful use of new health information technologies. The goal is that every person in the US have an EHR by 2014. According to Kathleen Sebelius, HHS hopes that the pilot program will “Offer insight into how health IT can make a real difference in the delivery of health care.” In her written statement, she expressed hope that HHS will be able to “tap the best ideas across America and demonstrate the enormous benefit health IT will have to improving health and care within our communities.”

Now the reality check. That’s 14.66 million dollars per community to get patients, community providers and Federal programs all on the same page? The joint statement from Sebelius and Vice President Joe Biden suggests that the pilot programs will support tens of thousands of jobs in the health IT industry. One would hope so. It would also pay for 18,000 $800 laptops or 29,333 $500 desktop computers in each of those communities. In short, depending on populations, that much money should just about put a computer on every street corner and medical office, and still leave money to spare for the actual integration! But wait! That’s not all! Another $30 million is available for additional Beacon Community awards, so you, too, may end up with a laptop on every street corner and office! But what will any of this actually do?

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Photography Consent and Related Legal Issues

Facial Plast Surg Clin N Am May 2010; Page 237 – 244 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS and Michael Sacopulos, JD Abstract: The use of photography is an integral part of any plastic surgery practice. Photographs are part of the patient’s medical record and thus are covered by both federal and state privacy laws. … Read more

The 81 Million Dollar Misdemeanor

Breaking news today: “Two pharmaceutical subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson will pay more than $81 million and plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge in a U.S. Justice Department case about illegal promotion of the epilepsy drug Topamax, federal officials announced.”

Let’s reread that one, break it down and let it sink in. The U.S. Justice Department has one misdemeanor case against Ortho-McNeil Neurologics and Noramco. The complaint is illegal promotion of a drug most people haven’t ever heard of. The promoting of a drug which has already been released as generic should cost Johnson & Johnson (the manufacturer’s parent company) 81 MILLION dollars in fines?

This isn’t a drug that has caused deaths. It’s not even inherently responsible for injuries. The drug isn’t the issue. The means of promoting it is. And that earns the Feds 81 MILLION dollars?

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