With healthcare reform legislation pending, and the government indicating that they’ll be shaving money off the prices they’ll pay for all things Healthcare, it shouldn’t really have been much of a surprise to see drug manufacturers raising the prices. After all, if they raise them now, they won’t be amongst those to suffer or have to tighten their belts to help make healthcare affordable. The tactic makes one mindful of “Value Added” pricing on cars. They add a few thousand to the sticker price (based on some dubious excuse) and then give you a couple thousand dollars off — so you “save” and they still got more than sticker price for the car. Nothing new there.
But we’re not talking about a new car. We’re talking about the drugs that alleviate suffering and save lives. While everyone else is looking for ways to cut the fat and lower costs, they’re making certain that lower profits don’t happen in their back yards. How close is the analogy? Washington hopes new regulations will reduce the cost of drugs by about $8 billion. They’re adding $10 billion. So look! Net increase of $2 billion for the drug manufacturers. So much for the savings our legislators have spent all that time and effort wrangling into place.