Physicians Take The Patient’s Side

Ask a dozen people what one word describes a doctor, and you’ll likely get a couple dozen answers. Caring and Healer come up a lot.

Ask a dozen doctors why they went into medicine, and the number one answer is that they wanted to help people… and they still do. Every day doctors see people who are hurting and need help. Sometimes it’s a simple thing — an antibiotic or a couple stitches. Other times, it may be a complex paradigm with many mitigating factors. Regardless, people come to the doctor for help, cures, easing of pain… and in most cases, the doctor is able to provide the cure for what ails them. Doctors dedicate their entire lives to making people’s lives better.

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Reid & Baucus in the China Shop; First, Do No Harm!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now threatening to employ Reconciliation, a procedural budget maneuver, to push Baucus’ proposed Health Care Reform legislation through, bypassing normal methods and avoiding a potential filibuster. But this bill, which currently has over 500 amendments and is still in nearly constant revision, has no provision for any sort of … Read more

Tweet Not — Focus on Tort Reforms!

This is just one of the reasons why Tort Reform is so foundational to health care reform… The patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world…he patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world.

Tort Reform Snowball Getting Bigger

As the healthcare debate continues, more pundits, experts and legislatures are coming to the conclusion that real, substantial tort reform must be included in any final reform package. Here are just a few of the comments from around the US just yesterday;

Trickling Down Tort Reforms

When we look at all the ways in which Tort Reform would trickle down, it amounts to a raging river of savings for patients and their insurance providers.

Prediction 2009: Tort Reform Within Reach

VEIN Magazine Fall 2009; Page 60 – 61 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Read the entire issue here: Or view Dr. Segal’s article (only) using the link below: Download vein_mag_v2i4_58-59_tort_reform.pdf Download vein_mag_v2i4_58-59_tort_reform

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