Sugar Tax?

Several possible “remedies” have been suggested to help fund healthcare reform. Proposals include a tax on soft drinks and other high-carbohydrate foodstuffs. Wouldn’t this have the added benefit of curbing the American habit of consuming the junk that leads to obesity and diabetes? At first glance, that may seem like a reasonable proposal, but there are some very big issues beneath such a tactic.

Why not move a step closer to the source and impose that tax on sugar and corn syrups when they are manufactured (or when sold to the ‘junk’ food manufacturers)? This would be more efficient to administer and easier to collect. But how would we be assured that the funds created by such a move go directly to lowering health insurance costs? Generally speaking, funds generated by such plans are easily diverted.

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Doctors & The Free Market System

We all know that when supply increases, prices go down and, of course, that product is more readily available. If there’s a glut of potatoes, chances are good that the grocery stores are going to have a sale on them, offering substantial savings. Conversely, when there is limited supply of something, prices go up and fewer people can have that item. (The iPhone comes to mind. By limiting its availability, they’ve made the things wildly popular, desirable, and profitable. )

As we consider ways to improve health care and its costs in this country, perhaps we should be thinking of physicians as the valuable economic resource to society that they are. We clearly have an impending shortage of physicians to address the demographic tsunami – Baby Boomers entering Medicare age. And the lead time to train adequate capable physicians to address this trend is measured in years, not months. The fewer physicians available to take care of the public, the more expensive care will be. We should be doing all we can to make the practice of medicine inviting, so there are enough talented individuals to deliver care…. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

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Demands For Refunds on Dental Work? Yes, they ARE serious!

When it first started, most thought it was a joke, a hoax or a fluke. Could someone seriously be demanding a refund because they didn’t like the way their dental work turned out? Never underestimate the power of greed and ignorance. Some patients have attorneys trying to get them refunds for dental work now. If you don’t think this is preposterous, you may want to have a closer look.

To be fair, let’s put this into neutral ground. Say you’re a mechanic. The client brings in their vehicle wanting new tires, and asks you to check out a “clunking” sound heard in the front end when cornering. You find the problem, change out the part, install their tires, balance it, and send them on their way. Then, weeks or months later, you get a letter from their attorney. They’re saying they don’t like the way their car looks with the new tires, so they want you to refund the money paid — all of it. Does that seem fair or make sense to you?

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Physicians Take The Patient’s Side

Ask a dozen people what one word describes a doctor, and you’ll likely get a couple dozen answers. Caring and Healer come up a lot.

Ask a dozen doctors why they went into medicine, and the number one answer is that they wanted to help people… and they still do. Every day doctors see people who are hurting and need help. Sometimes it’s a simple thing — an antibiotic or a couple stitches. Other times, it may be a complex paradigm with many mitigating factors. Regardless, people come to the doctor for help, cures, easing of pain… and in most cases, the doctor is able to provide the cure for what ails them. Doctors dedicate their entire lives to making people’s lives better.

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Reid & Baucus in the China Shop; First, Do No Harm!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now threatening to employ Reconciliation, a procedural budget maneuver, to push Baucus’ proposed Health Care Reform legislation through, bypassing normal methods and avoiding a potential filibuster. But this bill, which currently has over 500 amendments and is still in nearly constant revision, has no provision for any sort of … Read more

Tweet Not — Focus on Tort Reforms!

This is just one of the reasons why Tort Reform is so foundational to health care reform… The patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world…he patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world.

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