Doctor, How Much Are You Being Paid To Testify Today?

It takes little time reviewing reports of high profile trials to question just how “expert” expert witness testimony is. Almost any trial hinging on highly complex issues, such as health care, requires an expert witness on each side. And where the stakes are high, attorneys may hire multiple experts.

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A Modified No-Fault Malpractice System Can Resolve Multiple Healthcare System Deficiencies

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Volume 47, Number 2 / February, 2009; Pages 420-426 By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS and Michael Sacopulos, JD Full article located at: Abstract Medical professional liability in the United States, as measured by total premiums paid by physicians and healthcare facilities, costs approximately $30 billion a year in … Read more

Defaming Doctors on the Internet: Problem and Solution

In innumerable ways the Internet has benefited the public. Online shopping means that goods are available at lower prices and often from a wider variety of sources, both nationally and internationally. That is good news for consumers.

If we want to purchase a car or appliance, for example, there are countless websites displaying consumer reviews from people who purchased the same item. These review sites help us make informed choices for our consumer decisions.

Increasingly, sites such as take that process a step further, asking the public to rate their physician. For obvious reasons, reviewing a refrigerator is quite different than reviewing a physician. And the downside: it is all too easy for a patient to bad-mouth his physician in an anonymous and public way. With the click of a mouse, such posts can have a detrimental and permanent effect on the physician’s reputation.

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Tort Reform: Helpful But Not Enough

If you spend enough time around a knowledgeable group of physicians (which is not hard to find, after all) discussing issues of medical malpractice, the conversation naturally finds its way to tort reform. Tort reform is of central importance to modern medical practice.

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The Issue of Frivolous Malpractice Lawsuits

What is one of the main issues of facing physicians today? If we were to poll physicians, for many of them it would be the threat of frivolous malpractice suits. In many states, the threat of being named in a frivolous malpractice suit has risen greatly.

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IdeaLab: Top 10 Ways to Keep Lawyers at Bay

Steer clear of plaintiffs’ lawyers with these simple suggestions This article originally appeared in the May 2008 issue of Physicians Practice. By: Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD, FACS Download Top_Ten_Ways_To_Keep_Lawyers_At_Bay

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