Physicians Interrupt Patients After 11 Seconds

A recent article evaluated 112 recorded clinical encounters. The rationale was testing of “shared decision-making tools.” I was confused by the findings and conclusions.   In 27 of the 40 (67%) encounters in which clinicians elicited patient concerns, the clinician interrupted the patient after a median of 11 seconds (interquartile range 7–22; range 3 to 234 s). Uninterrupted patients took a … Read more

Some Attorneys Behave Like Jerks

Yes, I know. The sun rises in the east. Sets in the west. And 2+2=4. Most of the time, when an attorney requests a copy of medical records for something like a personal injury case, auto accident, worker’s comp, they are professional, courteous, and offer to pay you the reasonable cost of copying the record. … Read more

Not All Threats Patients Make Are Equal

Patients may be unhappy with their doctor for a variety of reasons. Dialogue solves most of them. But, sometimes this angst escalates. It culminates in a threat. All threats are not equal in the eyes of the law. A common threat is “Give me my money back and I will not slam you online.” Or … Read more

Looking for Deep Pockets

Ebola is making a comeback in Africa. Fortunately, the World Health Organization is on top of it. Further, vaccines are being distributed. Hopefully these vaccines will prove safe and efficacious. Which brings me to Coming Attractions Bride and Formal in Ohio. “Coming Attractions” went out of business. They sued a Texas Hospital for their economic … Read more

Ambulance Chasers on Mobile Phones

When you vote, supporters for a candidate carrying leaflets and signs have to stay outside of some defined perimeter. You’re not supposed to be pestered as you walk into the voting booth. And, there are billboards of personal injury attorneys not too far from hospitals. But, you’d never see an ad for a personal injury … Read more

Pesky Little Details in Brain Death Determination

We have previously written about medico-legal challenges related to brain death determination.   The American Academy of Neurology updated its guidelines in 2010 to create more uniform determination. Its checklist is as below.   There’s a checklist related to systemic information (eg: the patient is in a coma, systolic blood pressure or body temperature are not abnormally low). There’s a checklist … Read more

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