Gone But Not Forgotten: The Curious Dormancy of Metadata

Gone But Not Forgotten: The Curious Dormancy of Metadata

Peter G. Yelkovac, Attorney at Law

Medical students are taught that certain viruses tend to take refuge in cells and live a latent existence long after symptoms have cleared. In many cases, such viruses remain dormant for the life of the patient. In other cases, they may spring back to life at an inopportune time.

Nearly every technologically literate person knows that viruses can attack a computer. Fortunately, such attacks are easily eradicated by automatic protection programs that capture and expel the offender forever. Few computer users, however, are aware that the mere use of a computer may create different type of organisms which, like a virus in a human cell, are not so easily discarded.

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Limits on Malpractice Damages Unconstitutional

Louisiana Court of Appeals Rules Limits on Malpractice Damages Unconstitutional The Louisiana Court of Appeals ruled last month that the state’s limits on malpractice damages violated the constitution. The Louisiana Medical Malpractice Act, which caps damages general damages at $500,000, was ruled to be unconstitutional on November 17, 2010 in Oliver v. Magnolia Clinic (WL … Read more

Gamble Big and Lose, Sue, Collect Big Check

Jeff Segal, MD, JD, FACS, CEO Medical Justice

Gamble Big and Lose. Then Sue Big Pharma. Then Collect Big Check. No Kidding.

To those who plan to go to Vegas and gamble, here’s how to cut your losses – even win big. The secret: Pramipexole. Stay with me on this.

Pramipaxole, to refresh, is a dopamine agonist used for early stage Parkinson’s disease. It also treats restless legs syndrome. There’s more. It is currently being investigated to treat clinical depression and fibromyalgia. Pramipaxole is sometimes used off label to treat cluster headache and to counteract problems with sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants. Finally, it is currently being investigated for the treatment of clinical depression and fibromyalgia. A veritable cornucopia of treatments.

Back to the hedge against gambling losses.

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The Runaway Jury in the Age of Mark Zuckerberg

Michael J. Sacopulos, Esq. General Counsel, Medical Justice

In most law schools around our country, second year students take “Evidence.” This is a technical class which teaches one rule and its exemptions after the next. What information is privileged and not, the hearsay rule and its dozen exceptions, relevant versus irrelevant testimony, and waivers all make up a body of law whose origins date back centuries to English common law. Rising above the trees to look at the forest, the general idea is to determine what information is fair and reliable to present to a jury. The thought goes that some information is simply too prejudicial or unreliable to be presented to a jury. At their core, the rules of evidence control information heard by jurors. Well, it seems that there may be some new rules…

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New Year’s Resolutions

By now, holiday libations are a fading memory, and the time has come to buckle down and get back to work in this new year. There will be ample challenges ahead for each of us. While there has been positive motion in the past year, it seems there’s always more to come.

New Year’s Resolutions are often forgotten when the first week of that new year commences. Though made with the best of intents, we simply become too busy, too embroiled in the day to day aspects, or too distracted by new events, to focus upon them and turn them into meaningful changes. But those resolutions were worthwhile, and deserve a fair attempt. Whether yours was to lose weight, be more conscientious about getting ample sleep, to be more considerate of others, to put away more savings, to be more careful about something… no matter what it may be, we can all benefit from a few strategically placed reminders.

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Time: Your Most Valuable Resource

The most valuable asset any physician has is time. This is true in terms of both his or her personal income, and also as pertains to the ability to help the community around him. So time management is amongst the most significant ways in which one can improve one’s practice. But neither doctor nor patient wants to be short-changed in an office visit. Here are a few suggestions on ways to optimize your time:

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As a Doctor I’m Thankful for … Doctors

Doctors are also patients. If you’ve not been a patient, you will. My family and I have been patients. I am thankful for the doctors who have taken care of my family. This year, while finishing our dinner, my 13 year old son had a generalized seizure. Josh had been seizure-free for eight years. I … Read more

Cell Phones, Heath Information and Physicians

Recently the Pew Internet and American Life Project released results of a study it had conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates between August 9th and September 13th of this year. The study looked at the use of cell phones to access health or medical information. Here’s what they found: 17% of cell phone users have … Read more

From Subprime Loans to Financing Lawsuits

Here’s history in the making.

At one time, before many of us were born, plaintiffs had to bankroll their own lawsuits. There, they would pay the attorney for his time and counsel. The plaintiff bore the entire risk for the outcome. But, if he won, he kept the entire pile of money, minus his expenses paid to the attorney.

The next – and dominant – paradigm: contingency fees. There, the risk is transferred to the attorney. In exchange for accepting that risk, the attorney keeps a healthy portion of any settlement / judgment after expenses. That amount is generally 33 to 40%. Naturally, the plaintiff’s attorney must diligently assess the risk / benefit for each opportunity. If the attorney loses, the plaintiff does not go bankrupt.

Enter the modern age.

Third party financing of lawsuits, as reported in the NY Times on November 15th:

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