Female Asian doctor looking off to the side

Can You Be Reported to the Data Bank if You Are Caught Practicing Without a License?

In all states, you need some type of license to practice medicine. There is some flexibility to address unique situations. In Nevada, there’s a license for “special events” to demonstrate medical techniques and procedures, often at a convention. But you still must apply for a limited license.   Pursuant to Nevada Administrative Code NAC 630.147, Special … Read more

Medical Boards, DEI, and Lawsuits. Identity Politics on Life Support?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. Physicians are aware … Read more

A Time for Peace; a Time for War.

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. Like other humans, … Read more

When YOUR Treating Physician is Selected as an Expert Witness Against You

Dr. A scheduled a consultation with an expert to identify whether he was a candidate for surgery. And he did have that consultation. The defendant doctor ultimately chose to have his surgery performed elsewhere. Generally, after a single consultation, there’d be no reason to formally terminate such a relationship. Regardless, many years passed. And now this same surgeon has reappeared as an expert witness in a medical malpractice case against Dr. A.

National Practitioner Data Bank: Where You Live May Determine the Outcome

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. A fundamental tenet … Read more

The Indignity of Being Sued for Medical Malpractice

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. all. Here’s a … Read more

How Bad Can a Data Bank Report Be?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. David Hetzel, a … Read more

The Drama of Negotiating Consent Agreements with Board of Medicine. Stayed Revocation of Your Medical License.

Every state manages Medical Board complaints differently. It often starts with a patient submitting a complaint. But not always. Sometimes, it’s a hospital, an insurance carrier, or another doctor who took care of your patient. The list is endless. Most complaints do NOT end in discipline for a doctor. But if a case evolves to … Read more

A Bevy of IVF Lawsuits. Do Clinics Need A Sperm/Embryo Double-Check?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the … Read more

Lost Crown. Septic Patient. Collapsed Lungs. $1.2 Million Med-Mal Settlement.

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool … Read more

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