Jeff Segal, MD, JD, FACS
Imagine telling your patient the success rate of a surgical procedure you were planning was 20%. year after year. Most patients would hit the door. Unless the only other option – doing nothing – was far worse.
That’s precisely the conclusion drawn from Jena, et al. in a New England Journal of Medicine article released this week – Malpractice Risk According to Physician Specialty. Data was analyzed from a large national carrier covering time period 1991-2005. The researchers analyzed 230,000 physician-years of coverage.
Each year of the study period, 7.4% of all doctors had a malpractice claim. Only 20% of those led to payment – either by settlement or judgment. The majority of claims resulted in zero payment to the plaintiff. Remember, though, the typical claim lingers for about four years before final resolution.
More interesting was breakdown by specialty. Annual risk for being sued: