Be Careful What You Say to a Patient’s Family Members

by Michael J. Sacopulos, Esq.

A recent case from Missouri highlights the importance of keeping patient’s medical information confidential — even from that patient’s family members. A 23 year old female sustained injuries to her right arm. While being treated for these injuries, a patient alleges that a nurse informed the patient’s brother and aunt of her being HIV-positive. The patient went on to state that the same nurse announced her HIV status in a hospital corridor while transporting her from the surgical recovery room to her hospital room.

The case ultimately went to trial.

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Report Expects Medical Malpractice Costs To Rise

This week a new report was released, indicating that medical malpractice liability costs are likely to rise for both physicians and hospitals. The study, performed by Aon Risk Solutions, cites both claim frequency against hospitals and increased claim severity as the two driving forces behind the anticipated increases in premiums. From their release:

U.S.-based hospitals are expected to face more than 44,000 claims arising from incidents occurring in 2009, according to the report, “Hospital Professional Liability and Physician Liability Benchmark Analysis,” which Aon Risk Solutions put together with the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management.

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What Do You Do When A Malpractice Suit Strikes?

You always knew it could happen. Statistically, you knew it WOULD happen sometime in your career. Now there’s a registered letter on your desk, from a law office, and you’re afraid to open it. You summon up the courage to read it, and find that a patient you’ve done your best for has decided to sue. As far as you recall, there wasn’t even a bad outcome, but you must’ve missed something, because there’s this letter on your desk informing you that they’ve been retained by your patient, and requiring records as part of their fact-finding. Now what?

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The Magic Bullet Against Fivolous Lawsuits!

Any health care professional will tell you that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This holds true for the many ills of medical and dental malpractice suits as well. The time to get insurance is BEFORE you’re sued, just as the time to get preventative medicine is before you get sick. Most health care professionals know this. Most wouldn’t dream of being without medical malpractice insurance. Most would do anything they could to reduce the risk of being sued, if only they knew what else to do. Read on for the magic bullet.

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Mitigating Legal Risks for Physicians – The Proactive Approach to Deterrence

It is said that the best defense is a good offense. While this axiom of warriors may not be the first inclination of gentile healers, the trial lawyers and other opportunists have made a good offense a necessary part of survival in the medical profession. The proactive approach is foundational to mitigating risks in this litigious time and society. In short, you’ve got to be a step or two ahead of the greedy few to keep them at bay. And taking steps to prevent the case from ever being filed in the first place is the best way to avoid the disruption of your practice, as well as the risks and other expenses inherent in a medical malpractice suit, no matter how frivolous it may be. Since 95% of all doctors will probably be sued for malpractice at some time in their career, it’s a wise move to ensure that you minimize the impact of that suit.

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The Bully Principle; Medical Justice Kicks Predatory Trial Lawyers to the Curb

Predatory creatures are consistent, regardless of species. The mighty shark expects it prey to be paralyzed with fear. Punch it in the snout and it takes a big step backwards, backs away and moves on to easier targets. The simple fact is that both sharks and plaintiff’s malpractice lawyers are bullies. They pick on capable, well-intending doctors, encouraging patients to file lawsuit against someone that the patient would otherwise be thanking. Patients know that their doctors didn’t cause them to be sick or injured, and most believe their doctors are doing their best to make them well, ease their suffering. But if you give a trial lawyer a few minutes with them, the lawyer will turn the story around until it seems like the doctor was an insensitive, uncaring creep who was only there for the money. (Talk about projecting! They’re the ones who don’t care what damage they do to people, so long as they’re making a buck!)

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Georgia Strikes Down Liability Reforms

Less than a day after Congress passed a historic health reform bill, doctors in Georgia were reminded of one tiny oversight in the package. The absence of substantive liability reform. The State Supreme Court ruled that caps on pain and suffering did not comport with the Georgia state constitution. Prior tort reforms implemented in Georgia … Read more

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