Close up of syringes with fat for fat injections on sterile table

Regulation of Stem Cell Clinics: The Sands Are Shifting

Stem cells are promising. They may impact so many conditions down the road. Some clinics have a head start. They’ve been making claims that the future is here. Now.   One major unknown was what authority the FDA has, if any, for regulating treated and spun-down fat for re-implantation. In California, a lower-level federal court ruled … Read more

Close up of woman during microneedling skin treatment

Contracting HIV from Vampire Facial Microneedling

Vampire Facial is the colloquial name for cosmetic platelet-rich plasma microneedling facials. Seems like a benign procedure. The Centers for Disease Control recently reported on multiple people who developed HIV infection tied to the procedure in New Mexico. The details. Investigation of a medical spa’s services began in 2018. During summer 2018, the New Mexico … Read more

Will IVF Clinics Be Able to Afford Cost of Business in Alabama?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below. The Alabama Supreme … Read more

MDs versus NPs. Who is More Productive and Cost-Effective? Well….

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the … Read more

Your Patient Has a Plutonium Powered Pacemaker. Anything to Know?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool … Read more

Vaccine Wars

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool … Read more

Can You Mandate YOUR Patients be Vaccinated to be Seen?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool … Read more

Vaxed or Axed. So Wrote Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel.

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool … Read more

Female medical professional on laptop late at night

COVID-19 FAQ Video Library

COVID-19 has raised challenging questions. There are lots of answers out there – but not all “answers” are created equal. Our strategic partners at ByrdAdatto produced a series of videos answering important questions physicians are asking. Medical Justice Founder and CEO, Jeff Segal, MD, JD is a partner at ByrdAdatto.  Medical Justice members are provided … Read more

Patient Conflict Management Strategies: Appeasing the Patient from Hell

A medical practice is no battleground. But sometimes it feels like one. Patient conflict is one of the many occupational hazards of practicing medicine. It is critical doctors and nurses (and all staff) understand how to de-escalate patient conflict before there is a bad outcome. And “bad outcome” is a big umbrella. You want to prevent acts of violence, obviously, but hostile patients, left unchecked, can make … Read more

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