Harry Reid, Hero or Public Enemy #1?

You may want to take a seat and a few deep breaths before reading this: Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, was quoted by the Las Vegas Review-Journal as saying that doctors should “stop whining about this and just take care of their patients.” What is the “this” that Senator Reid says physicians are whining about? A place at the table in pounding out the details of the impending healthcare reform.

Of course, good Senator Reid! Why would a physician have any business having a say in something like that? You lawyers and politicians have it all down pat, right? Or, as is more likely, you’re busy defending the interests of your frivolous lawsuit cronies, and all these pesky doctors are getting in the way of your plans. What would physicians know about what healthcare may need? After all, they and their staffs are just working in the trenches and on the front line every day, spending their entire lives healing people. How could that possibly compare to the wisdom of an attorney/politician and a Washington three-cocktail lunch?

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Sugar Tax?

Several possible “remedies” have been suggested to help fund healthcare reform. Proposals include a tax on soft drinks and other high-carbohydrate foodstuffs. Wouldn’t this have the added benefit of curbing the American habit of consuming the junk that leads to obesity and diabetes? At first glance, that may seem like a reasonable proposal, but there are some very big issues beneath such a tactic.

Why not move a step closer to the source and impose that tax on sugar and corn syrups when they are manufactured (or when sold to the ‘junk’ food manufacturers)? This would be more efficient to administer and easier to collect. But how would we be assured that the funds created by such a move go directly to lowering health insurance costs? Generally speaking, funds generated by such plans are easily diverted.

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Tweet Not — Focus on Tort Reforms!

This is just one of the reasons why Tort Reform is so foundational to health care reform… The patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world…he patient’s focus should be on getting well, rather than Tweeting potential basis for a lawsuit to the world.

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