China Eclipses US in Novel Legal Theories

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You can’t make this up. Obviously I cannot be sure someone else didn’t make it up.


The rise of plastic surgery in China has caused much more than health problems. Last year, a man divorced and sued his wife after she gave birth to what he called an “incredibly ugly baby.” The man was unaware that his wife had undergone plastic surgery before they met. The wife was found guilty and was ordered to pay the man over $700,000 for the damages caused according to the court.


I have yet to hear this legal theory (“incredibly ugly baby”) being propelled in U.S. courts. But, perhaps it is just a variation of the theme of fraud or misrepresentation. In any event, rising prosperity in China will likely be associated with the rise of the lawyer class. And given that there are 1 billion people, don’t be surprised if millions of ambulance chasers emerge.

4 thoughts on “China Eclipses US in Novel Legal Theories”

  1. Someday, when I grow up, I hope I can see a day when lawyers are licensed and kept in cages like dangerous wild animals. Dual degree lawyers are especially dangerous.

    Chinese lawyers, in a Communist system, will make shame for the whole family and tear the fabric of oriental inscrutability to shreds. But since the Chinese are not afraid to have revolutions, I believe that will be the time when they put Draconian limits on lawyers.

    Unfortunately, Americans have been de-balled and no longer possess the spirit required to have a revolution, or even a serious threat to the powers that be.

  2. There has to be some award for “the most expensive epicanthic folds” ever. That baby will have to be the winner. It would be poetic justice for this man to create “incredibly ugly” baby #2 with another bride, thereby enshrining his own genetic blame in the game.

    It is unlikely that there is any form of insurance to cover this, even if there was fraudulent misrepresentation. We assume that the bride could afford plastic surgery, so she might be able to afford the judgment. Does China have debtor’s prisons for unsatisfied judgments?

    A big part of this equation is the law that requires only ONE baby per household. Aggrieved ex-husband may be angling for another off-spring, especially a male child.

    Irony of all ironies: Many Western men have a fantasy of the utterly compliant, (silent), asthenic young Asian bride, complete with epicanthic folds, who only makes “noise” when they have sex. For these men, the worst nightmare in the World is facing a woman’s libber, whom they detest with a venom that would melt a medium-size city. Epicanthic folds are the icing on the cake.

    Let the buyer beware: As soon as the willing Asian bride comes to America, she is Americanized as fast as lightning. Soon to follow is her entire family retinue, angling for citizenship of every cousin they have back home, and 10,000 dollars (each) to start their new business when they get here.

    At least the “libber” will pay her own way: last laugh.

    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

  3. I can’t help but smile as I see the American Legal Society set up shop in China. Perhaps then, some of those companies may decide to bring back home some jobs. Should we also try to export our health care system and our policy makers? We could have a better country. China is known to buy our trash to reprocess it and sell it back to us. We could add a new item to our exports.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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