Hulk Hogan sues for $50M. WWF or WTF?

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Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan — whose actual name is Terry Bollea — is reportedly suing his spine surgeon / spine surgery center (Laser Spine) for $50 million, His suit argues the outpatient spine surgery chain “did unnecessary surgeries that damaged his career.” In Florida, the statute of limitations is two years. I cannot recall the last time Mr. Hogan took to the mat, but it seems like a distant memory.


The $50 M figure reminds us why it’s a game of high stakes poker to take care of the rich and famous. While it’s flattering to be asked to provide medical advice or surgery for Hollywood actors, rock stars, and hedge fund managers, these people make a lot of money. If you are accused of negligence, the allegation will be for pain and suffering, of course, but also lost wages. When your patient is making tens of millions of dollars of year, well, the typical $1M / 3M policy limit is going to be little more than a good start.


Many wealthy people carry disability and life insurance to make them whole in case of injury, from whatever cause. But, not all. In any event, being on the receiving end of a $50M suit is a cautionary tale of a Legal System Gone Wild.

7 thoughts on “Hulk Hogan sues for $50M. WWF or WTF?”

  1. I have to say that as a spine surgeon, I feel no sympathy for the (Laser Spine) surgery center. They advertise throughout the country on billboards, magazines, web advertising, etc. boasting outcomes that are no better than those of us practicing outside this spine surgery chain. They have painted a bulls-eye on themselves because of this and will hopefully learn a lesson for their corporate thinking. It’s not the fact that they operated on a “rich and famous” person. It’s that they made promises, in print, that they could not back up. We should all learn from this. Physicians should promote their practices and services but not make claims to outcomes that are outside what is seen in clinical practice.

  2. If I’m not mistaken, Hulk recently sued an oral surgeon or dentist regarding dental implants or something of the sort. I have a read several reports that all find celebs are way more likely to sue, and for dumb things too. I say, pass on them.

  3. Very interesting blog. I’ve taken care of a few models and minor-celebs, and they have ALL been high maintenance.

    I never considered the medico-legal implications of such doctor-patient relationships until now.

  4. This article reminds me of the story I once heard that Barbra Streisand attempted to find a plastic surgeon to fix her nose, but was unable to find anyone who would take the risk because of possible “damage” to her voice. I don’t know if this is a true story or not, but I agree that it would have been very unwise for any surgeon to attempt this.

    I once operated a local Seattle corporation CEO who was “richer than the dreams of Midas.” My surgery turned out well; and I’m glad it did. But we all have to understand that these kinds of people are used to having “the waters part for them” when they enter a room.

    Some of these people have not heard the word “NO” for years.

    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

  5. I’ve had the pleasure and risk of treating a few nationally or internationally recognized names. I also treated the medical head of a major hospital. Yes nice to know that I was trusted but… The stress is simply not worth it. Fortunately they were all deceit

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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