Lingering Timebombs with Medical Marketing Campaigns

Medical Justice solves doctors' complex medico-legal problems.

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Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below.

“Can Medical Justice solve my problem?” Click here to review recent consultations… all. Here’s a sample of typical recent consultation discussions…
  • Former employee stole patient list. Now a competitor…
  • Patient suing doctor in small claims court…
  • Just received board complaint…
  • Allegations of sexual harassment by employee…
  • Patient filed police complaint doctor inappropriately touched her…
  • DEA showed up to my office…
  • Patient “extorting” me. “Pay me or I’ll slam you online.”
  • My carrier wants me to settle. My case is fully defensible…
  • My patient is demanding an unwarranted refund…
  • How do I safely terminate doctor-patient relationship?
  • How to avoid reporting to Data Bank…
  • I want my day in court. But don’t want to risk my nest egg…
  • Hospital wants to fire me…
  • Sham peer review inappropriately limiting privileges…
  • Can I safely use stem cells in my practice?
  • Patient’s results are not what was expected…
  • Just received request for medical records from an attorney…
  • Just received notice of intent to sue…
  • Just received summons for meritless case…
  • Safely responding to negative online reviews…
We challenge you to supply us with a medico-legal obstacle we haven’t seen before. Know you are in good hands. Schedule your consultation below – or click here to visit our booking page.

We all wish 100% of our patients were satisfied with their outcomes 100% of the time. Nobody will beat us up harder than we beat ourselves up. Still, all practices have patients where the relationship soured. Your paths parted. They either ended up in a different practice. Or no practice at all. But they were out of your practice.


You hire a new marketing firm. They outline a marketing campaign with social media, blitzing your past patients and prospects with emails and text messages. They will be using a list transferred from your practice. And hopefully, the agency was deputized with a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement.

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If the list is not filtered, the agency will end up marketing to these few patients who have moved on. Painful memories will be triggered. An old scab will be ripped off. And the friction that had abated may be rekindled.


Online reviews and social media.

The patient will recount their unhappy experience for all to read. And they may even add a statement that the practice could not be bothered to avoid marketing to the unhappy few.

This is an unforced error.

You do not have to market to everyone. You want to market to those who are likely to need or use your services. If someone has moved on because they were unhappy, you can attempt “service recovery” near-term. If that fails, it’s a fait accompli.

Do yourself a favor; do this patient a favor. Remove their name from any future marketing list. There is no upside to peppering their inbox with stories of other happy patients.

What do you think?

Medical Justice provides consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a consultation – or use the tool shared below.


“Can Medical Justice solve my problem?” Click here to review recent consultations… all. Here’s a sample of typical recent consultation discussions…
  • Former employee stole patient list. Now a competitor…
  • Patient suing doctor in small claims court…
  • Just received board complaint…
  • Allegations of sexual harassment by employee…
  • Patient filed police complaint doctor inappropriately touched her…
  • DEA showed up to my office…
  • Patient “extorting” me. “Pay me or I’ll slam you online.”
  • My carrier wants me to settle. My case is fully defensible…
  • My patient is demanding an unwarranted refund…
  • How do I safely terminate doctor-patient relationship?
  • How to avoid reporting to Data Bank…
  • I want my day in court. But don’t want to risk my nest egg…
  • Hospital wants to fire me…
  • Sham peer review inappropriately limiting privileges…
  • Can I safely use stem cells in my practice?
  • Patient’s results are not what was expected…
  • Just received request for medical records from an attorney…
  • Just received notice of intent to sue…
  • Just received summons for meritless case…
  • Safely responding to negative online reviews…
We challenge you to supply us with a medico-legal obstacle we haven’t seen before. Know you are in good hands. Schedule your consultation below – or click here to visit our booking page.

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Dr. Jeffrey Segal, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Medical Justice, is a board-certified neurosurgeon. Dr. Segal is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; the American College of Legal Medicine; and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. He is also a member of the North American Spine Society. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country’s leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

Dr. Segal was a practicing neurosurgeon for approximately ten years, during which time he also played an active role as a participant on various state-sanctioned medical review panels designed to decrease the incidence of meritless medical malpractice cases.

Dr. Segal holds a M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine, where he also completed a neurosurgical residency. Dr. Segal served as a Spinal Surgery Fellow at The University of South Florida Medical School. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa as well as the AOA Medical Honor Society. Dr. Segal received his B.A. from the University of Texas and graduated with a J.D. from Concord Law School with highest honors.

In 2000, he co-founded and served as CEO of DarPharma, Inc, a biotechnology company in Chapel Hill, NC, focused on the discovery and development of first-of-class pharmaceuticals for neuropsychiatric disorders.

Dr. Segal is also a partner at Byrd Adatto, a national business and health care law firm. Byrd Adatto was selected as a Best Law Firm in the 2023 edition of the “Best Law Firms” list by U.S. News – Best Lawyers. With decades of combined experience in serving doctors, dentists, and other providers, Byrd Adatto has a national pedigree to address most legal issues that arise in the business and practice of medicine.

0 thoughts on “Lingering Timebombs with Medical Marketing Campaigns”

  1. Do you ever foresee a website where doctors can rate patients anonymously?

    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander:

    Equitable treatment, regardless of sex, status, or position.
    Justice, equity, and fairness.
    It highlights inconsistencies in the way different individuals are treated in comparable situations.

    Just curious….

  2. Dr. Glaser:
    No such website will ever be allowed to exist, because in the electronic media realm there is nothing anonymous, at least not for long.

    The destruction of physicians reputations will continue.
    The legal attacks on physicians will continue.
    Until such time as physicians can say, sorry, not going to practice anymore as long as we are mistreated, attacked and at risk.
    But that will never happen because there will always be another physician who is desperate enough to put up with anything, until they too are fodder.

  3. The question remains: “Do physicians have a societal obligation to remain in practice and see patients if they encounter a circumstance when they can afford to retire and give up their practice license?”

    The answer most likely encountered is “no,”

    Physicians cannot be printed like money to make up for vast Government overspending.

    Until and unless Government decides to consider physicians a “national internal treasure,” retirements and physician shortages will continue unabated.

    The question remains if Democrat voters see the effects of open borders on the already diminishing physician supply?

    I doubt it. I personally know many physicians. I can afford to hire them. So can my daughter and her husband.

    Right now I have zero sympathy for American voters, and I have ceased all political donations.

    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM


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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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