Medical Malpractice Attorneys Dislike Medical Justice – Here’s Why

Medical Justice solves doctors' complex medico-legal problems.

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Most companies work to avoid making enemies. Not Medical Justice. We’ve got a whole slew of people who don’t like us — and we’re proud of the reputation we’ve worked so hard to obtain. It seems Medical Malpractice attorneys really don’t like Medical Justice. Why not? Because they’re used to having a very easy time of things. Just file against the doctor, he and his insurance company will roll over and pay what you ask. Never mind that the suit was frivolous, that the doctor didn’t do anything wrong and doesn’t deserve to have his or her reputation tarnished this way.

How bad could it be for the plaintiff attorney? Worse that could happen is that he doesn’t get paid, right? Wrong.”They’ll pay through the nose to keep this out of court,” – that is what plaintiff lawyers expect when filing against a doctor. Then they run into a snag. Wait, that’s no snag, it’s a brick wall! The doctor is a member of Medical Justice! It may seem melodramatic to put it that way, but it would be impolite to print what that plaintiff attorney is really thinking when he finds out that Medical Justice in involved. What he knows is that a Medical Justice member won’t roll over and pay off. He’s not playing with the run-of-the-mill physician anymore. This time, he’s messing with someone who is prepared, someone who is going to fight back!

If Medical Justice files a counter-suit, it could very well be a lot more on the line than not being able to collect contingency fees. “No thanks,” the attorney is thinking to himself, “I don’t need that kind of hassle!”
We’re very proud to be the thorn in their sides. It’s a reputation we’ve worked long and hard for. Doctors and their honest patients can all breathe a collective sigh of relief when the doctor is on board with Medical Justice. Medical Malpractice attorneys filing frivolous claims, you’ve been served!

Don’t spend another day worrying that some patient and his (or her) greedy attorney are going to take you to the cleaners, or interrupt you from giving your patients the best care possible. Arm yourself with knowledge. Give yourself some peace of mind. Give Medical Justice a call today!

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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