The Story of the Make a Wish Foundation

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If you’re like me, you’ve certainly heard of the Make a Wish Foundation.


What I did NOT know was the story of the man behind the Foundation – who he is and why he started it.


The man is Frank Shankwitz. He was a Arizona Highway Patrol Officer. Frank built the foundation from his heart, supporting himself and his family on his salary as an Arizona Highway Patrol Officer. He didn’t take a salary at Make-A-Wish because he wanted to ensure that every dollar contributed to the foundation went to the kids.


His Foundation has touched the lives of many children struggling with terminal conditions – as well as their families. The organization pays for wishes of children who are dying.


Someone recently asked, “Frank, after granting so many children’s wishes, what is your wish?”


His answer. “I would like to have my story told in a way that I could share it with my grandkids, so they could see that through our efforts, we made the world a little bit brighter.”


A documentary is being filmed about Frank’s life – so his story can be told.


The producer of the movie works down the hall from me. I knew nothing about this project until today. It’s being funded on the crowdfunding site – Indiegogo. I just donated. If the story moves you, please jump in. Any amount will help – whether it’s $1,000 or $1. This is Frank’s wish.


The link describing the project can be found at:

4 thoughts on “The Story of the Make a Wish Foundation”

  1. This man deserves all the kudos! It is a moving story in many ways, though. For one it is the sincere effort of a single man brightening the days of those who are sticken beyond belief. But it also rattles you emotionally that such an effort is still desperately needed in a land of plenty, where billions are spent for things, pleasure, tasks and litigations that are not.

  2. I have provided a Program entitled, “Children with Cancer I have referred to our Make-A-Wish Foundation bymy calling 1 800 722 WISH for our James H. Quillen College of Medicine at our East Tennessee State University and for our Washington-Unicoi-Johnson Tennessee Medical Association.
    I am myself a Cancer Survivor.
    I would welcome invitations to speak on this and related Issues.
    I can be contacted @
    Respectfully submitted.
    Josh Grossman, Colonel {r} U.S. Army Medical Corps, M.D., FACP
    Member Tennessee Medical Association

  3. So many of your articles either cause anger, outrage or potential stress. Even though they are greatly appreciated this has brought an extremely pleasant change of pace. Thank you for a wonderful story of an amazing situation. Let’s give it the support it deserves.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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