Surgeon Charges $117,000 – and Receives – for Assistant Fee

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A couple of weeks ago, my car’s battery died. It was dead-dead. Was never going to take a charge.


AAA has a service where they will put in a new battery – instead of just giving you a jump. While the price seemed high- $128- it did not seem unreasonable. I’d be done. I wouldn’t have to turn this into a two step procedure, step 1: jump; step 2: get a new battery at a lower price elsewhere.


The next morning, the driver contracted by AAA called me. He made an error. Instead of charging my credit card $128, he accidentally charged $12,800. (That immediately made me feel inadequate about the tip I gave.) The driver said he was calling to let me know his company issued a credit. Whew.

The NY Times published an article on “drive-by” billing. It referenced a patient who had a cervical fusion. No mention was made the surgery was anything other than routine. The patient did well.


This patient had done his homework in advance. The facility and primary surgeon were both in network. He believed his out of pocket obligation would be $3,000.


He received a bill from both the primary surgeon and the assistant surgeon. Note: The primary surgeon (in-network) and the assistant surgeon (out-of-network) apparently share a business address.


The primary surgeon was paid the in-network rate. The assistant surgeon sent the patient a bill for $117,000. The insurance carrier initially refused to pay that sum.


In New York, next year, a new law will offer some protection against surprise charges and require more advance disclosure from doctors and hospitals on whether their services are covered by insurance.


“It states, for example, that patients are not responsible for unforeseen out-of-network charges beyond what they would have paid in-network. It directs insurers and hospitals to negotiate any further payment or enter mediation.”


The patient complained to his carrier, Anthem Blue Cross, that he should not be responsible for $117,000 for an assistant fee with an out-of-network surgeon he never met. Anthem agreed and cut a check to the assistant surgeon- and mailed it to the patient.


For months, the patient agonized over what to do with the check. He believed the amount was “outrageous and immoral.” He also believed such payments could drive up premiums at his employer.


“[The patient] tried to negotiate with the surgeons to divvy up the $117,000 payment in a way he believed was more fair; he liked Dr. Primary Surgeon and felt he was being underpaid. [The patient’s] idea, he wrote in an email, was to settle on “a reasonable fee for both the surgeon and assistant and return the rest of the check to the insurance company/employees” of his company.”


The assistant surgeon’s attorney sent a threatening letter to the patient in July warning him to sign over the check. He did.


The news story went viral. The assistant surgeon will forever be remembered as the person who gouged a patient he never met. Perhaps he felt like he was sticking it to the insurance company. There are certainly myriad reasons to feel that carriers take advantage of in-network doctors. But, $117,000 for a 3 hour procedure as an assistant – a role often filled by a scrub tech or a resident – reeks of excess. And if it is true the patient would have been theoretically on the hook for the full bill if he sent the check back to the carrier, the bigger faux pas was having the attorney threaten the patient with litigation.


Sadly, such anecdotes – publicized by the media- make all doctors look bad. May be the assistant surgeon is laughing all the way to the bank. I wonder if he’d do it the same way next time.


With this as backdrop, $12,800 for my battery seems like a bargain.

4 thoughts on “Surgeon Charges $117,000 – and Receives – for Assistant Fee”

  1. While inadequate details are provided in this story, I have a sneaking suspicion that there is something fishy going on here. Managed care plans are known to undercut doctors, but they did enter into contracts agreeing to the lower fees. In this case, it sure appears that this doctor duo have a scheme in place to make up for the low fees paid by the insurance carrier. Dr. Primary is in network and gets let’s say 10K for the procedure. His partner who is out of network charges and collects 100K to assist. The 110K goes into the duo’s kitty, and then each doc gets 55K. I’m sure they found a legal loophole to enable them to get patients by being in network and bumping up reimbursement using out of an network doctor. Legal yes. Understandable? Sort of. Ethical? Nope. And that is exactly what has happened to the integrity of the health care field in general with the advent of managed care…it has made ordinarily ethical professionals compromise their ethics and morals in order to make up for reduced income.

    Every day I see the unethical behavior and business practices that have become accepted as part of doing business in healthcare degrading the integrity of what used to be a highly respected profession and calling.

  2. Wow. Unarguably an unethical and malevalent response to the chaotic healthcare reimbursement system, its distortion of billing and unethically poor physician compensation.
    After receiving $73 insurance reimbursement for a 4 hour facial reconstruction in a 9 year old girl (this payment did not cover the drapes used in the case, let alone the sutures, etc.), I can understand the reactionary billing attempts to compensate.

    After seeing medical malpractice rates rise 4,000-6,000 percent over the last 10 years, with out-of-pocket attorney fees routinely in the $20,000 per month range, it certainly makes us all wonder how this business can be sustainable.
    If we descend to the level of attorneys, we would bill by the hour, the e-mail, the text and the page for responses. But then we would be like the lawyers…..

    Is there no other way to succeed? The situation seems bleak, at best.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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