The Magic Bullet Against Fivolous Lawsuits!

Medical Justice solves doctors' complex medico-legal problems.

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Any health care professional will tell you that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This holds true for the many ills of medical and dental malpractice suits as well. The time to get insurance is BEFORE you’re sued, just as the time to get preventative medicine is before you get sick. Most health care professionals know this. Most wouldn’t dream of being without medical malpractice insurance. Most would do anything they could to reduce the risk of being sued, if only they knew what else to do. Read on for the magic bullet. What could be better than having full coverage against medical malpractice liability? Not being sued in the first place, of course. But in this litigious time and society, that’s easier said than done. Lawyers are eager for the chance, and will sue anyone for anything, so long as their target has the ability to pay. That makes physicians and dentists prime hunting grounds… but you knew that.

Even the first stages of defending against a medical malpractice suit are exhausting, and disruptive. They can leave a doctor drained and weary. The aftermath of such allegations can damage a doctor’s livelihood for many years, and cost him an increase in his medical malpractice insurance premiums — even if the suite was meritless, there was no award and he was never found to be at fault! Perhaps you knew that, too.

Did you know that Medical Justice members are only sued a small fraction as often as doctors without the benefit of having Medical Justice on their side? That’s right. More often than not, when an attorney finds out that the target is a member of Medical Justice, he drops the inquiry right then and there, before the filing even happens.

Is it really a magic bullet, though? No, that was hyperbole. It isn’t really magic, it just seems like it is. The proven methods Medical Justice Members enjoy are really rather simple and straightforward. Medical Justice, founded and operated by and for doctors, has simply taken the time to find the right prescription to what ails you and your practice. By using these proprietary methods, one greatly reduces the likelihood of ever being sued. When 95% of all physicians are sued at some time during their career, it’s a wise move to do all you can to prevent those suits from ever being filed. Medical Justice has the mojo!

Contact Medical Justice now to find out what you can do to protect yourself. Medical Justice’ tactics are proven to reduce the likelihood of being targeted by a trial attorney, and stop most suits dead in their tracks. Insurance carriers like that. You’re gonna love it! Get yourself some Justice today!

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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