The New Google + Local: Healthcare Not Invited to Participate

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Google’s made big changes recently. Google Maps and Google Places are being replaced by Google + Local.

While Google + Local will likely advance the review system for many industries, doctors’ Google reviews, however, will just as likely grind to a halt. Unless Google recognizes the considerable onus of HIPAA on today’s healthcare professionals, and subsequently carves out a healthcare-friendly mechanism for doctor reviews, expect that far fewer patients will post; the posts will generally read like sterile testimonials, and doctors will lose their capacity to respond to patient feedback.

In an attempt to tackle the challenge of increasing the “authenticity” of reviews, Google revoked the ability to post reviews anonymously — even pseudonymously. Going forward, if you want to post a review, you must use your real name. No nicknames. No first names only. No exceptions.

For most businesses, this seems like a positive step forward. Anyone with an axe to grind can slam businesses online – particularly if they can easily hide behind the veil of anonymity. This includes competitors, disgruntled employees, or ex-spouses. Further, businesses will not be able to post fake reviews about how wonderful they are.

For restaurants, hotels, retail outlets, this is welcome news. Google + Local provides a high-interaction, personalized social experience… what’s not to love?

For healthcare, it’s not so welcome. Here’s why:

Patients are most candid when their privacy is respected. Less than 5% of patients give their name, whether the feedback is raving good or horribly bad. The vast majority instead uses either a pseudonym or initials.

With Google + Local, anyone posting a review must use their full, printed name … publicly. Here’s a sampling of what some of these reviews might say.

Dr. X. did an excellent job with my facelift. My friends think I look a few years younger, but, no-one knows why. I just told them I started an exercise program and lost a few pounds.

Dr. Y. was a lifesaver when I was seriously considering taking my life. He put me on the right medication for what I now understand is Bipolar Disorder Type I. I didn’t realize how close I was to the point of no return.

Would doctors really ask patients to post reviews at the expense of their privacy? Would informed patients really comply? The answer to both questions is a resounding no. Patients demand privacy for healthcare matters for a many reasons. And, despite warnings that privacy is history, for healthcare it’s not.

If a patient posts an anonymous review, the doctor has considerable latitude to respond. Both the patient and the public benefit from a thoughtful response to a patient’s concern. But once a person’s name is attached to a post, HIPAA precludes a doctor from even acknowledging that the poster was a patient.

At a time when countless billions are spent each year toward facilitating communication between business and customer, employer and employee, doctor and patient, and even between friends and family, Google + Local certainly appears to be a move in the right direction. That is, for all industries except for healthcare.

4 thoughts on “The New Google + Local: Healthcare Not Invited to Participate”

  1. HIPAA makes it very difficult for doctors to collect and respond to legitimate feedback online. As mentioned, the anonymity makes it possible for a doctor to legally respond, but the anonymity also makes it very easy for fake reviews to run rampant. Many physicians find themselves between a rock and a hard place – even more so now with Google’s recent changes. Until HIPAA or Google make a change, there are very few options for physicians looking for a way to have anonymous (but real) reviews available online for future patients…….[commercial comments removed]

  2. You are absolutely wrong. This is an enormously favorable and sensible development. It prevents the nonsense that has been going on, all the crazy stuff that one disgruntled patient can start. If you know who posts you can go after the problem proactively, up to and including a lawsuit if the patient does not respond to the usual attempts to help them become satisfied with their care. If only the other review sites would follow suit. They are making a fortune on google ads primarily through the use of bad news, negative reviews, and libel.

  3. Dr. Yoho:

    In theory you would be correct. But, as a practical matter, what Google has done is make it difficult to collate real reviews by confirmed patients. The reason: If someone must post their name, almost noone will post. And the few posts that are collected will be bromides and positive. While I agree Google+ Local’s approach will likely prevent an avalanche of negative reviews which could decimate a doctor’s practice, it would have been better for consumers and doctors for Google to just avoid healthcare reviews. My prediction is that Google+Local will eventually make the suggested changes we suggest for healthcare (if and when the number of reviews for doctors stays in single digits on Google).

    Jeff Segal

  4. and what about anonymous posts from competitors? I was alerted by medical justice in fact, of a new review in january. The anonymous poster had posted 24 reviews of all the plastic surgeons in the area. Amazingly, his practice was the only good review. I complained to google via their email service multiple times, needless to say the reviews for all of us are still up. I think this is a good thing.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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