Tis The Season Already

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Medical Justice solves doctors' complex medico-legal problems.

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If you’ve been to a department store lately, you’ve probably already noticed that the Christmas and holiday season decorations are out. Everything’s going red and green early this year. Ski resorts are opening early as well, sooner than ever before, even though it’s still fairly warm in the foothills. The merchants are preparing, getting people in the mood and mode to spend, doing what they can to ensure that they maximize their profits before things get tight (as they always seem to do) at the end of December and January. The way the economy has been, many people are being frugal with their budgets, so merchants are taking steps to ensure a continued income. Medical professionals are businesses as well. As a medical professional, you should be doing so too!

One helpful hint is to prepare holiday cards for your patients. Don’t add anything business-like to the card. Don’t remind them of their next appointment or checkup interval. Just the card, hoping that theirs is a happy and healthy holiday season. Then, in another mailing, include the reminder for scheduled checkups, etc. In this fashion, you can let your patients know you really do care about them and their well-being, and you’ll also get the opportunity to send a welcome reminder of ways they can help strive towards a longer, healthier life. Got a health tip? Include that in the second mailing too!

Another thing you can do to ensure your continued financial success is even less difficult than sending out cards. A membership in Medical Justice provides year-long protection against frivolous medical malpractice suits, Internet defamation, and other potentially devastating events. Physician, heal thyself! Be sure you’re protected against these very real dangers.

Medical Justice provides methods that have proven enormously successful in dissuading frivolous lawsuits. The services provided by a full membership can do wonders in preserving your good online reputation as well. Malicious Internet Defamation is a very real concern. Even if the claim is entirely baseless, people will still presume where there’s Smoke, there must be Fire. In these challenging economic times, and with even more challenging times looming ahead, you owe it to yourself to do everything you can to protect yourself from such unscrupulous attacks.

Do all you can to keep the coming holiday season jolly. Remember to let your patients know you appreciate them. Then do everything you can for your practice, income and reputation. Get or renew a Medical Justice membership today!

About Medical Justice

Medical Justice

Medical Justice provides comprehensive support for challenges such as preventing frivolous lawsuits, addressing unwarranted refund demands, managing sham peer reviews, and safeguarding your online reputation. Our expert team assists with issues like defamatory reviews, medical board complaints, and notices of intent to sue.

We offer legal protection plansonline reputation management, and consultations for concerns that fall outside of membership coverage (such as board complaints, National Practitioner Data Bank reports, and negotiation on your behalf with patients seeking refunds), with suggested next steps to help you regain control. If you require more hands-on assistance, or if your need falls outside the scope of membership, we can often be engaged for further support. Contact us today to get started by scheduling a consultation with a member of our team.

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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