WellPoint Blames 39% Rate Hike On Healthy People

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Though it may seem like the intro to a joke, it’s no laughing matter. WellPoint, which supplies medical insurance, including their Anthem Blue Cross plan, has imposed a rate increase of up to 39% for their customers in California. To say that thirty-nine percent is hefty is an obvious understatement. How do they defend this?

WellPoint Inc. attempts to justify the increases to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, by stating that the weak economy has healthy people dropping coverage or buying cheaper plans. They claim that the decline in premium revenue equates to a lack of funds to pay claims from the remaining customers. WellPoint says this trend resulted in a loss for them in 2009. This is why, they say, they want to raise rates to cover the losses expected in 2010 from the same cause.

If the economy picks up and people return to coverages temporarily canceled, you can bet that they won’t return that 39% increase. They also try to defend that “most” of their customers will see an average of “only” 24% when the increases are imposed on March 1, 2010. Only 24%?!?

WellPoint claims to have offered an alternative solution if people can’t afford the rate increase: lower increases, in exchange for higher out-of-pocket expenses. Uhm no. If the patient has to pay more out of pocket, the patient is still absorbing the increases. That, too, is just semantics. It’s no real alternative for their customers. It’s still forcing the patient to pay a huge increase so that they can continue to rake in the bucks.

It may very well be true that carriers suffered losses due to the downturn in the economy. Why should WellPoint be different than any other person or company in the country (or world, for that matter)? We are ALL suffering from it. To allow them to increase rates to cover losses is markedly inequitable. The rhetoric may play well, but when one thinks it through, WellPoint certainly doesn’t give up their profits. Why, then, should they be allowed to “give” us their losses? If they lose money in one state this year, they can pay for that from the profits of overall profits, profits from previous years, or sell off one of their many high-dollar assets. But they don’t get to add weight to an already overburdened population, force those people to bear the company’s financial woes while ignoring the suffering that it will impose upon their insureds.

The facts? WellPoint made a profit of $4.75 billion in 2009, including $2 billion from the sale of a business. That $2 billion shouldn’t be discounted, because most people have found they have to give up assets to pay bills. Nearly five billion dollars in profits during the year that they claim saw a loss of as much as 1/3 of their customers, and WellPoint still wants a rate increase?

In this economy, we all have to tighten our belts, per se. WellPoint shouldn’t be a special exception. It belies their very name to complain that people don’t need their services because they’re healthy.

If the economy picks up and people return to coverages temporarily canceled, you can bet that they won’t return that 39% increase. They also try to defend that “most” of their customers will see an average of “only” 24% when the increases are imposed on March 1, 2010. Only 24%?!?
WellPoint claims to have offered an alternative solution if people can’t afford the rate increase: lower increases, in exchange for higher out-of-pocket expenses. Uhm no. If the patient has to pay more out of pocket, the patient is still absorbing the increases. That, too, is just semantics. It’s no real alternative for their customers. It’s still forcing the patient to pay a huge increase so that they can continue to rake in the bucks.
It may very well be true that carriers suffered losses due to the downturn in the economy. Why should WellPoint be different than any other person or company in the country (or world, for that matter)? We are ALL suffering from it. To allow them to increase rates to cover losses is markedly inequitable. The rhetoric may play well, but when one thinks it through, WellPoint certainly doesn’t give up their profits. Why, then, should they be allowed to “give” us their losses? If they lose money in one state this year, they can pay for that from the profits of overall profits, profits from previous years, or sell off one of their many high-dollar assets. But they don’t get to add weight to an already overburdened population, force those people to bear the company’s financial woes while ignoring the suffering that it will impose upon their insureds.
The facts? WellPoint made a profit of $4.75 billion in 2009, including $2 billion from the sale of a business. That $2 billion shouldn’t be discounted, because most people have found they have to give up assets to pay bills. Nearly five billion dollars in profits during the year that they claim saw a loss of as much as 1/3 of their customers, and WellPoint still wants a rate increase?
In this economy, we all have to tighten our belts, per se. WellPoint shouldn’t be a special exception. It belies their very name to complain that people don’t need their services because they’re healthy.
weak economy, healthy people are dropping coverage or buying cheaper plans. The decline in premium revenue means there’s less money to cover claims from sicker customers who are keeping their coverage. That resulted in a 2009 loss for the unit. The insurer says its 2010 rates aim to cover the shortfall expected from the continuation of that trend.

2 thoughts on “WellPoint Blames 39% Rate Hike On Healthy People”

  1. Insurance companies love the high deductible plans because they know people will use less health services if they have to pay for the cost out of pocket.
    We pay $920 in premiums per month and have a deductible of $8000.
    That means that each year we have to spend $11,000 and $8,000 in medical out of pocket costs before Blue Shield kicks in a dime.
    They love it because they know we won’t see the doctor unless it’s an emergency.
    Last year we spend $400 in medical expenses.
    We paid that out of pocket.
    The $11,000 in premiums went to the insurance company free and clear.
    What’s not to love about that.

    Health care in the US is a scam

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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