What “A Jury of Your Peers” Really Means

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We continue with our series of general educational articles penned by one attorney, an MD, JD, giving you a view of the world through a malpractice plaintiff attorney’s eyes. This attorney is a seasoned veteran.  The series includes a number of pearls on how to stay out of harm’s way. While I do not necessarily agree with 100% of the details of every article, I think the messages are salient, on target, and fully relevant.  Please give us your feedback – and let us know if you find the series helpful. Finally, these articles are not intended as specific legal advice. For that, please consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your state.

A surgeon sits at the defense table on the first day of her malpractice trial. Looking at a jury that includes a retired data entry clerk, a postal worker, a college student, a housewife, a motorcycle mechanic and an accountant – but no doctors – she whispers to her attorney, “This is not a jury of my peers!”

An internist stands next to his attorney as the verdict in his malpractice case is read out. A jury that included a kindergarten teacher, a FedEx truck driver, an unemployed man, a hair stylist, a librarian and an airline machinist – but no doctors – has just found substantial liability. He asks his attorney, “Why can’t we appeal? What about my constitutional right to a jury of my peers?”

Both doctors are certain that they are right, but both are actually mistaken about the law.

A “jury of your peers” is one of the least understood legal concepts, so let’s take a look at it.

Like “separation of church and state,” it is a phrase that appears nowhere in the Constitution.

The Constitution addresses juries in just three places: Article II provides that “the trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury”, the 6th Amendment provides for jury trials in criminal cases, and the 7th Amendment preserves the right to a jury in a civil trial with damages above a minimum value.

Who actually sits on those juries is barely touched upon. Here is what the 6th Amendment requires: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.

The key word here is “impartial.”

The general qualifier is that the jury be local, to prevent either side shipping in jurors who would favor their side – while excluding those who best know a given area. But the only qualifier pertaining specifically to the decision-making function of the jury – why the jurors are there – is that it must be impartial.

The Founders could have written in specifics about juror qualifications, including a requirement that they be educated to a certain degree, members of the same profession as the defendant, or have personal knowledge about the matter being tried. They didn’t. They only required that cases proceed on a foothold of fairness.

The answer to what “peer” was intended to mean is any ordinary citizen who can make a fair judgment.

Now, our two defendant doctors might counter that in the 18th century the jury pool was already very limited, mostly to white men who owned property, and so excluded many community members. But, back then, many property-owning white men were not literate at all or barely so. Yet there was no requirement that a juror meet any educational test to sit on any jury, including one that could involve complicated issues.

That a jury should be a sampling of the community is best demonstrated by how it may not be limited. This goes back to the concept that litigants have the right to be judged by a jury using nondiscriminatory criteria and processes, something that cannot occur if there is systematic exclusion of groups that make up a community’s population.

If you ever watched Law and Order you probably already know that during voir dire (the questioning of jurors during jury selection) attorneys cannot use peremptory challenges (challenges to jurors for no reason at all) solely to keep a given race or gender off the jury. But that is the floor and courts are increasingly raising the ceiling.

For example, in a 2010 case in New York, the judge held that a jury of one’s peers means a “broad spectrum of people” in the county. The judge found it was unconstitutional to challenge a juror simply because he was a hunter in a case in which the defendant was accused of shooting another hunter. The defendant claimed the shooting was accidental. Because the prosecutor removed three jurors who hunted from the jury panel, the judge declared a mistrial based on the systematic exclusion of a class of persons that represented the defendant’s peers- not because they were hunters- but because they were community members.

This does not mean that a hunter gets hunters guaranteed on their jury – it means that if hunters are members of the community – they cannot be excluded just because they are hunters.

To our two defendant doctors, this means they are not guaranteed that a surgeon or an internist, or any doctor at all, be seated on their jury. But it also means that if the plaintiff tried to bar all doctors solely because they were doctors that would be impermissible.

Now, you may say “But doctors usually get excluded from medical malpractices cases.”

The answer is that they are not excluded because they are doctors – they are excluded because being doctors presents a complicating issue. Doctors likely honestly state during voir dire that they could not exclude what they already know about medicine from their judgment and base their verdict solely on the facts as presented in the case.

Neither the plaintiff nor the defense wants an “unsworn expert” in the jury room. Neither side wants such an “unsworn expert” spinning their own version of the facts and perceived as an opinion leader by other jurors and. So, the doctor is discharged from jury duty for actual cause, not peremptorily just because he holds a medical degree.

So where does this leave us?

Jury selection now focuses on getting a cross-section of a community. Such members may not be a litigant’s professional or socio-economic “peers.” However, courts have responded to that latter point by holding that a litigant is not entitled to a jury that is composed of his or her own group or one tailored to fit the particular matter to be tried, but only to one capable of being fair.

In summary: A “jury of one’s peers” requires a cross-section of the community capable of hearing the case fairly. Defendants in specialized professions are not guaranteed a panel of similar professionals but members of that profession cannot be excluded solely because of that.


*** Medical Justice Notes: [The vast majority of physician defendants would probably want to have a physician serve on their jury. The law does not mandate that outcome, though.]

3 thoughts on “What “A Jury of Your Peers” Really Means”

  1. Most physicians believe that their training raises a wall of separation between those who were not so educated; and that this wall cannot be breached by “average” members of the public. I would suggest that there are other fields where the wall of separation is much higher than medicine. Cosmology and modern physics comes to mind.

    If anyone doubts me, I’d simply suggest a quick look at one of theoretical physicist Sean Carroll’s books: Chose any you wish. Even as a well trained physician, if you were on a jury considering a discussion of tensor mathematics in a dispute that involved money, like a patent dispute, you might not be of much help in sorting it out.

    A jury of his peers are almost impossible to find in even a large “geometry.” Since Dr. Carroll’s field is heavily invested in “geometry” there is a kind of ironic humor in that fact. I’ve met Dr. Carroll at some seminars. He is a very nice person with a mind that is much greater than mine, no matter what metric you choose to measure.

    Perhaps our Constitution wisely did not specify the exact definition of “a jury of our peers.” Whenever we enter a court, the best thing our system can offer is a crap shoot. Yes, some of it involves a position of strength that money can buy. But that’s the human condition everywhere.

    I still say that the best you can do is prepare thoroughly and document well. Don’t be arrogant and recognize that SOME members of the jury may actually have more common sense than you do. Like life itself, that can also happen.

    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

  2. An excellent article, with some great points.

    My observation is that the jury pool consists of people who were unable to dodge the citation to serve, and earn the $6.00/day.

    Love it, hate it, doesn’t matter, the types of people listed above are what you get. Make no mistake however, just because you may have a hair dresser or a mechanic, or an unemployed person, etc. doesn’t mean you loose.

    My advice fwiw is to get a great working relationship with your lawyer. Get a copy of the jury pool seating chart and take notes during voir dire. Remember that as a doctor you are highly trained at reading people and interviewing them. Although you can’t do the questioning, trust your skills and instincts. Also understand what voir dire really is. It is JURY EXCLUSION, not selection. Work with your lawyer to exclude the least likely to help your case and accept that you won’t get all your “strikes”.

    My next bit of advice is that the jury isn’t just about “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. To be sure, I encourage you to be truthful, but work with your attorney on delivery. Know that what is going on (call me cynical?) is a drama being played out in the court room.

    Therefore, talk to the jury in terms they can understand, and be professional. Don’t get upset. Talk to the jury like they were a patient sitting in a consultation in front of you- you want them to like you.

    If you messed up, own it, don’t B.S., but delivery counts. Don’t make excuses, as your lawyer will give you a chance to soften the blow. Everyone messes up once in a while. Not all “mess ups” are malpractice. Settle in for the process and be sincere.

    We are held to high standards. Sometimes we lose even when we did no wrong, sometimes we win when we actually committed malpractice.

    Sadly, it is the cost of being a doctor.

  3. Medical malpractice would only happened if the doctor was not following their body of knowledge of its profession. A body of knowledge is what made doctor as a profession. And if the doctor himself did not do as the procedures told them to, then and only then it will be called a malpractice. Otherwise it is not. I made a paper about this before you know. So I know a little bit in and around this profession.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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