Why Ongoing Access to an Attorney is a Smart Business Move for Physicians

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Medical Justice solves doctors' complex medico-legal problems.

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Having continuous access to a medico-legal expert is not just a precaution but a strategic advantage for physicians. This proactive approach ensures that you’re equipped to handle both routine challenges and unexpected legal issues effectively.  

Physicians often face a range of potential legal challenges, from patient refund requests and issues with clinical privileges to the risks associated with medical board complaints. Rather than waiting for a crisis to occur, having a medico-legal expert readily available helps you navigate these challenges proactively.  

While an attorney may not be needed for every issue that arises, access to medico-legal advice and tools ensures that you’re prepared for situations that could impact your career. Here’s what our medico-legal experts recommend to safeguard your practice effectively:

First, prevent threats with these strategies

1. Build a robust presence online & in search engines

Physicians need to proactively build their online reputation. Potential patients tend to rely on online reviews and digital profiles when selecting a healthcare provider. A strong online reputation helps attract new patients, maintain trust, and counteract the occasional negative feedback.

2. Provide excellent patient care

Every detail in a medical practice influences patient satisfaction and online reputation, from cleanliness to staff interactions. Key strategies for enhancing patients’ experiences include training staff to be genuine and welcoming, managing schedules to ensure adequate time with each patient, hiring patient-focused staff, and communicating any delays effectively. These practices help you retain patients and generate positive feedback in the form of online reviews, as well.

3. Use “paper shields” to protect your practice from legal issues

When it comes to protecting a medical practice, paper shields can serve as a critical line of defense. Though sometimes underestimated, these legal safeguards can provide significant value in mitigating risk and preserving your reputation. Our proprietary templates are designed to help our members keep their ducks in a row while also protecting them from issues such as frivolous lawsuits. We provide templates that our member physicians can use to create routine forms and even sensitive documents like patient dismissal letters.

These techniques are some of the core services Medical Justice provides to members. Learn more and sign up using the links below to proactively protect your practice—and keep reading to learn which situations do, indeed, call for legal help.

Hire a lawyer in these situations

There are select situations where physicians should engage a lawyer. Not every physician will end up in one of these scenarios, but our founder Jeff Segal, MD, JD and a collaborative team often work with physicians on a retainer / hourly fee basis to navigate situations that fall outside the scope of both generic medical malpractice insurance and Medical Justice’s protection plans.

1. You’ve been reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank

A negative report in the National Practitioner Data Bank can have serious implications for your career. Our team of medico-legal experts can provide personalized guidance on dealing with a difficult situation involving National Practitioner Data Bank reports.

2. You’ve received a medical board complaint

Complaints filed with medical boards can lead to investigations, disciplinary actions, or even revocation of medical licenses. Medical Justice provides expert guidance for deterring these situations, but when you are faced with a complaint, protecting your professional license calls for expert legal assistance. 

3. Your clinical privileges have been suspended

Navigating the intricacies of clinical privilege issues demands strategic expertise and legal analysis. If you’re facing restriction or suspension of clinical privileges and need personalized guidance tailored to your circumstances, a medico-legal expert can provide a detailed discussion on how to safeguard your professional reputation and navigate through this challenging situation effectively.

Regardless of the scenario, by becoming a member of Medical Justice, you’re not just resolving today’s issue but also putting a robust system in place to mitigate future risks.  

2 thoughts on “Why Ongoing Access to an Attorney is a Smart Business Move for Physicians”

  1. I found it very interesting to look up a web site that will shock you into understanding how EASY it is to run afoul of practice laws, business agreements and billing regulations. The site is run by Justin Paperny, an investment coach who served time in Federal prison. His site is whitecollaradvice. He has worked with many doctors when it was already too late.

    Thank God I never had to face this. But when I served as a state officer for my professional association, I met some doctors who had!

    My point is that YOU NEED FAR MORE LEGAL ADVICE than you are presently receiving.

    Put OUT the forrest fire before it engulfs you! Hire Medical justice for a comprehensive review of your legal status.

    I should warn you that of the last 90 cases that went to trial by the Feds, virtually all of them came back “guilty.”

    You have a chance to prevent this now. Please call Medical Justice! Take a brief look at Justin’s web site to learn about people who are already suffering and experiencing the horror of indictment. The time to call Medical Justice is NOW.

    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

  2. Great article on the importance of having ongoing legal support for physicians! Proactive legal guidance can help prevent issues from escalating and safeguard a medical practice. This is a smart business move that more healthcare professionals should consider.


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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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