We have been keeping a watchful eye on the proposed “Bo-Tax,” and find it is gaining momentum. We need your help to stand against this inequity. Together, constituents across our nation can mount a successful campaign against HR 3590. Together, we can send a loud messge to our senators that we require them to really examine all areas that are under consideration in the Reform discussions. We urge you to take action today!

Opponents of the proposed tax face an uphill fight because citizens are not organized to oppose it.

The Botax proposal was a last-minute addition to the Senate health bill. It was aimed at making up for the revenue gap created by Sen. Reid’s scaling back of a planned levy on high-value insurance plans. The Botax would raise an estimated $5.8 billion over 10 years — by taxing what THEY consider a luxury.

The Botax is far more expansive and reaching than just 5% on Botox enhancements! The tax would also be imposed on products such as includes wrinkle fillers and teeth whitening. (Colgate, are you listening?) More serious things like prophylactic mastectomy, male breast reduction and rhinoplasty, are just a few of the procedures paid for out of the patient’s pocket, and susceptible to this tax. A patient’s health and well-being go far beyond a pulse and respiration. Self-image concerns like these are not a luxury. They are essential to a whole, healthy human being!

Another important thing to bear in mind is that, if this proposal is allowed to go through, it sets a terrible precedent of imposing a “luxury” tax. What next? Greater taxes on cars less than 10 years old? Taxes on all but the most basic of tires? Tax on bicycles with more than 3 speeds?

Please, TAKE ACTION TODAY! ACTIVATE YOUR PATIENTS, FRIENDS, FAMILY and COLLEAGUES! Get the message out to everyone you know! Urge them to spend a few moments to make a free call!

The Senator’s Hotline is 1.877.221.8207

The number routes you to your US Senators where you can say “Stop the Bo-tax”.

Deliver these form letters to your senators now:
Patient Letter to Senators and Surgeon Letter to Senators*

Review Excise Tax on Elective Cosmetic Medical Procedures – Opposition Talking Points.

At Medical Justice®, our mission statement includes “arming our members with the necessary tools to protect their practice’s most important assets – reputation, character and integrity.” We will continue to look out for the best interests of our member physicians, and the patients that they serve.

PLEASE, Post this information on your website, social media outlets, as handouts to patients, and/or email this message to your friends, family, patients, colleagues — anyone you know.

Thank you!

Medical Justice

* Letters and talking points provided by the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (AAFPRS). Freely edit the letters based on your practice specialty.