Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Who’s Your Daddy?

I may not be clairvoyant. But I know one family that will receive a gigantic check soon. A 29-year-old woman had been in a persistent vegetative state for about ten years. She was involved in a near drowning incident. Unbeknownst to the staff at Hacienda … Read more
Medical Justice

68 Laws of the ER

Every now and then you read a piece about life in the medical trenches that fully hits the mark. Dr. Rada Jones is an Emergency Physician who did precisely that. She penned the 68 Laws of the ER. The best way for me to do … Read more
Medical Justice

Can NC Physicians Legally Prescribe Meds to Suffering Terminally Ill Patients to Precipitate a Peaceful Death?

The answer is likely yes. More on that shortly.   One role of the physician is to relieve suffering. Adult patients, who are mentally competent and terminally ill, sometimes implore their physicians to help them achieve a more peaceful death to alleviate either actual or impending suffering. The … Read more
Medical Justice

Fire Her and Yank Her License

Most physicians treat it as a privilege. They appreciate being given the responsibility of earning a patient’s trust and caring for them. In reality, once a physician has passed the requirements to practice medicine, it is a qualified right. If the physician conforms to established … Read more
Medical Justice

Is Facebook Engaged in the Practice of Medicine?

What is considered the practice of medicine? In the seminal 1964 Supreme Court case which litigated the threshold definition of obscenity, Justice Potter Stewart opined: “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand … Read more
Is Facebook Engaged in the Practice of Medicine?

The Most Frivolous Lawsuit Contest Redux: Part II

Medical Justice takes aim squarely at deterring frivolous litigation. And we provide remedies for those unjustly sucked into such lawsuits. Ten years ago we ran a contest for the Most Frivolous Lawsuit. The “winning” defendant received a free year of membership in Medical / Dental … Read more
Medical Justice

The Most Frivolous Lawsuit Contest Redux: Part I

Medical Justice takes aim squarely at deterring frivolous litigation. And we provide remedies for those unjustly sucked into such lawsuits. Ten years ago, we ran a contest for the Most Frivolous Lawsuit. The “winning” defendant received a free year of membership in Medical / Dental … Read more
Medical Justice

Too Many Eggs in One Basket

This could not be an easy conversation.   “The eggs or embryos we have been storing may have been lost.”  Two fertility clinics recently reported technical problems with storage tanks that may have damaged frozen eggs and embryos. Many of these are from women and couples struggling with infertility.  Or they … Read more
Medical Justice

Some Residents Will Have Longer Shifts

Here’s a common joke I heard during my residency. “What’s the problem with every other night call?” “You miss half the cases.” The gist was that the more you saw, the more you did, and the more you learned. Because it was believed that patient … Read more
Some Residents Will Have Longer Shifts

Need Spine Surgery? If You Work for Walmart, Talk to Your Travel Agent.

Most patients want to receive care close to where they live. Patients also want the option to travel to centers of excellence, if necessary. Walmart has flipped that model on its head for its employees. Effective January 2019, Walmart will mandate its employees travel to … Read more
Medical Justice