Medical Justice Blog

The information presented on this site is for general educational purposes only. It is not specific medical or legal advice. Nothing on this site should be construed as establishing a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship.

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Who Answers the Phone at Your Medical Office Matters—A Lot

Hell hath no fury like a dental patient scorned.   One recent news flash:  A woman in Lincoln County accused of slashing tires on 18 vehicles outside a dentist’s office has been arrested and charged, Lincolnton Police confirmed with Queen City News on Tuesday.  Officers responded … Read more

Training Medical Students to Perform Pelvic and Rectal Exams

Learning how to do a proper history and physical serves as the foundation for training young physicians. This includes learning how to examine sensitive parts of the body. A rectal exam. A pelvic exam. When I was training, paid models served as teachers when we … Read more
Medical Justice

Hell Hath No Fury Like Office of Civil Rights Scorned

A three doctor Allergy and Immunology practice in Connecticut just wrote the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights a check for $125,000. Three Boston hospitals, Mass General, Brigham and Women’s and Boston Medical Center wrote a check for $1M. New York … Read more
Medical Justice

The Most Frivolous Lawsuit Contest

Ten years ago, we ran a contest, encouraging doctors to reveal if they had been involved in a frivolous lawsuit. We awarded a prize to the doctor who submitted the Most Frivolous Lawsuit. Cold comfort. Still, the winner did receive a free membership for one … Read more
Medical Justice

“Grief as My Guide. How My Sister Made Me a Better Doctor.”

“Even when she was gone, she was present in the patient sitting before me and in the way I was newly able to comfort and reassure her.” Dr. Joseph Stern, a neurosurgeon, wrote a moving piece published in the NY Times, about how his sister’s … Read more
Medical Justice

The Art of Being in “Two Places” at the Same Time

In 2017, a high profile medical malpractice highlighted what is euphemistically known as “overlapping surgery.”   Before plodding ahead, let’s get our terms straight.  The American College of Surgeons defines operations as concurrent “when the critical or key components of the procedures for which the primary attending surgeon is responsible are occurring all or in part at the same time” and as overlapping “when the key or critical elements … Read more
Medical Justice

O-Rings and Phone Numbers

On occasion, complex systems crumble because of a single defective part, a part no one anticipated. The space shuttle Challenger is a case in point. What happened? O-rings failed at 31 degrees, the temperature at Cape Canaveral at launch.  That led to a cascade of … Read more
Medical Justice

Demystifying EMTALA: Issues that Pop up When You Are On-Call

We continue with our series of articles penned by one attorney, an MD, JD, giving you a view of the world through a malpractice plaintiff attorney’s eyes. In this article, the author addresses “Assumption of risk versus informed consent..” This attorney is a seasoned veteran.  … Read more
Medical Justice

The Difference Between Skydiving and the Practice of Medicine  

Skydiving is dangerous. Most skydivers land safely. But, not all. And if your chute does not timely open (and properly), death or injury are likely. How is it skydiving facilities are rarely sued? And, if they are sued, the facility usually prevails.   There’s a legal defense known as “assumption of … Read more
Medical Justice

Do You Want Your Kid to Be a Doctor?

There’s an old joke regarding different cultures’ interpretation as to when a fetus is considered alive.   The broadest definition of the beginning of life pinpoints the date at conception.   Others target a later date – namely, viability outside the womb.   But, the longest delay for the ‘beginning of life” is when the … Read more
Medical Justice

A Report Card on Report Cards. Risks of Publicly Reported Surgical Outcomes

Skeptical Scalpel publishes an excellent blog. He recently tackled the topic of whether the public even understands how to interpret surgical complication rates and surgeon report cards. He graciously gave us permission to distribute his post. Read on.  Some data is better than no data at … Read more
Medical Justice