A Universe of Unavoidable Errors

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A colleague, Robert Yoho, M.D., is writing a book about the practice of medicine. It included reflections on medical errors. I am sharing with his permission verbatim.

I had drinks with a sixty-year-old attorney who said he had never made a mistake with a client. I tried to be polite for a few minutes and asked him to expand on his statement. He said that he had worked for thirty-five years and he never had a bad result or even missed a deadline. I sat there for a while and probed—I wondered if he believed what he was saying. Perhaps he was checking how gullible I was. After a while, I realized I was sitting with a narcissist who had little self-awareness, a probable sociopath. I walked out in the middle of a sentence and did not look back.  

We physicians are continually reminded of our errors, sometimes by the species of lawyers who specialize in suing us. We make hundreds of decisions each day, and thoroughly understand the risks of a wrong decision. Although severe harms to our patients rarely happen, the possibility is with us always. Many of our errors are neither consequential nor result in damage, but most of us worry incessantly anyway. All of us have seen patients injured. Neurosurgeons, for example, face horrendous problems almost daily. Ophthalmologists see a blinding or two during their careers. General surgeons have a string of fatal and near-fatal woes every year (I do not think I could tolerate it). I had also heard around twenty stories from my plastic surgery colleagues about their patients’ fatalities. 

Puncture of internal organs when performing liposuction happens with some regularity, roughly in one case of 3,000. One of ten of these might die. Lipo requires two thousand strokes of the cannula instrument per case, and in some areas of the body, a fifteen (15) degree alteration in its angle produces an internal puncture. Some of these are serious, and some are never noticed.  

After a thousand cases, a surgeon has performed roughly two million cannula strokes. About 10,000 cases had been done in my offices by the end of my career. Since we by the end had performed over 10,000 liposuction cases—20 million strokes–I saw punctures more than once. I understood this and other complications through personal experience and the experience of others. But I never thought I would have a death. We have patients sign documents saying this disaster–and others, there are many others–are possible. But these days, when anything happens, there is a lawsuit. I have colleagues (a generous label) who will swear under oath that punctures are malpractice and that they should never happen with cautious technique. 

I often meditate about the following. Our primary goal is to do no harm, but this is a misconception. It should be to cautiously exchange risk for the best chances of helping our patients after evaluating whether the tradeoffs are reasonable.  

To understand the inevitability of medical risks, consider what rock climbers face. Like doctors, they use technology. They have devices that make a fatal activity almost safe. These systems are so reliable that when used properly, the trust in them is absolute. A single rope is relied upon to save a climber’s life over and over as she practices the difficult climbs and repeatedly falls.  

The person who uses this equipment high off the ground must follow easy rules and evaluate simple physics every moment to avoid death. Once in many hundreds of climbing days, fatigue or a small distraction might spawn a mistake. Common errors include tying the main knot incorrectly or reversing the rope handling device—this happens even though there are only two ways to attach it. The overwhelming majority of climbers’ fatalities—even for experienced climbers—are due to errors setting up basic safety systems. Although most of us endlessly check everything, fatalities and serious injuries still invariably occur because human performance is imperfect, even when the consequence of a mistake is death. 

Medical systems are much more complex; the number of variables seems infinite. But evaluation of error has devolved into a legal process occupied with assigning fault and compensating the ‘victims of malpractice’ and their championing lawyers. Humans are so fallible that a better approach might be collecting statistics about the (un)reliability of systems and individuals. A few are thinking along these lines, but the interlock of law, blame, and medicine has never been challenged. 

Getting to zero medical errors is as likely getting to zero accidents with motor vehicles. Both are lofty aspirational goals.  

If we want to decrease the number of deaths and injuries associated with cars, the first things we would do is cut the speed limit to 10 MPH and mandate donning helmets and flameproof clothing in addition to seat belts. Of course, then, the benefits of driving would dip.  

Society has calibrated the risk/benefit ratio of driving so that when accidents occur, the public, via ownership of insurance, picks up the tab. We have “nationalized” (through private insurance) the cost of auto accidents.  

Not so with health care. Perhaps we should consider some type of insurance where the cost of medical errors – or even risks/side effects of treatments, procedures, and medications- are distributed to all patients, bundling such coverage into health insurance. The marginal cost would not be unreasonable. The cost would then be spread out over 300 million people instead of 1M doctors.  

Doctors would still beat themselves up over bad outcomes and errors. But the process of seeking a remedy would be less adversarial. 

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7 thoughts on “A Universe of Unavoidable Errors”

  1. Over my three-decade career as a surgeon I heard many such reflections and analyses. I heard many suggestions for no-fault insurance, specialty juries for medical injury cases, caps on damages, and on and on. The only one that ever came close to being enacted into law was some limits on non-economic damages, which accomplished little. In my long career, I never saw any real changes in our civil “justice” system, which is little more than a method to assign blame to us doctors and compensate people for the inevitable bad outcomes.

    And why should there be any change? Everyone benefits from the current system. Everyone, that is, except us doctors, who are the designated victims of this compensation kabuki. And we have always wailed and complained, but still we grudgingly accept this disgraceful role.

    I propose we try something different for a change. Let’s all of us withdraw our precious lifesaving skills for a week. Just a week. Let the public see just how valuable our services are. And let’s use that fact as a big stick to effect the change we all want. I predict that our fortunes would change almost literally overnight.

    What? You’re worried we would lose the love and respect of the public? I’ve got news. We lost that long ago. Machiavelli asked if it is better to be loved or feared. Paradoxically, those who actually stand up for themselves earn respect. Nobody respects people who won’t even defend themselves out in the world.

  2. Sometimes patients may die even if no mistakes were made. We recently had a teen who presented with acute SOB 2.5 weeks after nasal surgery – 2 days before returning to college. The ER confirmed a large saddle, pulmonary embolus that was secondary to uncontrolled, and undiagnosed Type I Diabetes. The DM caused a hypercoagulable state. She had mild asthma and had peroperative “medical clearance”. She missed a semester at college to get her DM under control, and she is on Xarelto for a year. “A Universe of Unavoidable Shit That Happens in Medicine.” Thank God, she survived.

  3. I have practiced pathology for over 40 years. I have studied medical error in a fair amount of depth, especially in my own specialty and from a more general perspective. I have also incessantly worried about it from the perspective of my own practice. Human error and fallibility can be reduced, but not eliminated. A no-fault liability system would acknowledge this fact, provide compensation for the injured and would remove, to degree, many highly aggravating and negative problems now stemming from the malpractice system. In such a system, patients would pay a small price into an insurance pool in order to indemnify all against unavoidable human fallibility and error. The current malpractice system focuses on blame only, ruins physicians lives and careers and forces many competent people out of medicine.

  4. So, Dr. Sirota, how would you expect the “no-fault liability system” you advocate to actually be put in practice?

  5. Two things:

    1) If I could change the current malpractice system I would suggest adopting the system they have in England. No lawsuits on contingency basis. If you loose you pay all court costs and the legal (lawyer) fees on both sides. Of course you will never be able to remove the malpractice system as it exists today in America. It’s a “cash cow” and the lawyers control it.
    2) There was a case recently where manslaughter charges were affirmed against a physician for causing a patient to overdose on prescription pain medication. Regardless of what you may think about the specifics of the case this sets up a precedent. It opens up the floodgates for converting medical malpractice from a civil matter to a criminal matter. You will start to see doctors being convicted and sent to jail for medical malpractice.
    If you think it can’t happen, you’re wrong. Many things that doctors thought couldn’t happen 50 years ago have happened. Remember: “never say never”.

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Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Jeffrey Segal, MD, JD is a board-certified neurosurgeon and lawyer. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation.

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