A World Without Frivolous Lawsuits

That’s the dream of many people these days, professionals, their patients and clients alike — a world without frivolous lawsuits. A world where trial lawyers don’t exaggerate or fabricate cases in order to harass good people out of their hard-earned money. A world where a dedicated professional who is doing the right thing to the best of his abilities and in accordance with standard professional practices is not a target for some lazy opportunist. What would such a world be like? Let’s have a look:

Your doctor would spend his time and energy with you, on you and your needs ENTIRELY, instead of covering his backside, dotting I’s and crossing T’s. What’s more, he’ll be better rested, have a more pleasant bedside manner, because he won’t be up half the night worrying about when the next ingrate is going to try to take his life’s work away from him on a jackpot lawsuit. (more…)